A Comparative Assessment of US National Security Policy under Barack Obama and Donald Trump in Southwest Asia .
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International RelationsHassan Esfandiairi 1 * , ebrahim mottaghi 2
1 - PhD Student, Political Science, International Relations, Faculty of Political Science, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza, Iran
2 - Professor of political science at Tehran University, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: strategy, National Security, Foreign policy, doctrine, US National Security Document,
Abstract :
Obama believed that the mere and superficial pursuit of American interests in the past and the lack of attention to the internal situation of the countries in this region has led to popular dissatisfaction in these countries; This is a potential threat to US long-term goals in the region. comes. Assessing US national security policy and the pattern of US strategic action will also require recognizing the perceptual differences of presidents. Comparative US security policy requires recognition of the national security document, the four-year defense document, State Department documents, and analytical formats published in the field of US security policy. In addition to the Presidential National Security Document, which is published in turn, there are various indications of the security models and processes available to the State Department, the Department of Defense, and strategic agencies. The US Department of Defense has been publishing the US defense strategy for four years. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the comparisons of US national security policy during the time of Barack Obama and Donald Trump in Southwest Asia. The research method was qualitative.
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