The Confrontation of Law and Power: A Comparative study on Applaying the Responsibility to Protect in Syria and Libya Crises
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International RelationsNajva hazeri 1 * , ghodrat ahmadian 2 , farzad rostami 3
1 - دانشگاه رازی
2 - assistant professor
3 - assistant professor
Keywords: Syria, Libya, International Community, International Protection Responsibility, Great Power Interests,
Abstract :
The international arena has always been the site of competition for state actors. After World War II, the will of the international community to internationalize and legalize internationally formed bodies such as the United Nations was to peacefully resolve its crises and issues through collective action. To be solved by the international community. Due to the growing need for human rights, civil laws were developed in the field, one of which was the principle of responsibility for responding to human rights abuses in Rwanda, Kosovo and Bosnia. This principle was defined as a timely and decisive response to acts of violence by the Security Council on behalf of the international community. The question here is: Why does the Security Council doctrine of responsibility for support in Libya but not Syria? In response to this question, it is suggested that the consensus of the great powers in the application of the doctrine of responsibility for protection in Libya and the lack of consensus of the great powers in the absence of this principle in Syria overpower Has led to the law.
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