The American withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and the need to re -read its provisions: (The limits of the two sides in a nuclear agreement with the implementation of the theory of bounded rationality)
Subject Areas :ali akbar yari alqar 1 , ahmad bakhsi 2 * , somaye hamidi 3
1 - birjand university
2 - Birjand University
3 - Birjand University
Keywords: Iran, Output, JCPOA, 5+1, bounded rationality, trigger mechanism,
Abstract :
After a nuclear deal, that so called as jcpoa, two paradigm (like& dislike) emerged in the public opinion. With U.S withdrawal from this international and formal agreement, second paradigm was developed. The question of this article is: with the withdrawal of the U.S from JCPOA, Iran what to do and what s the basis for a step - by – step Irans Duty Reduction of this Agreement? What did the other partners face when they signed the agreement that had many critics on both sides? Two results of the research are: at first Iran and 5+1 faced with many limites when they sigend this document.they do this act based on Herbert Alexander Simon bounded rationality Theory despite their wishes and disagreement of some part of their people. Second, with U.S withdrawal, if the Islamic Republic of Iran considers the reduction of obligation to deal, oppose to its national interests, according to the trigger mechanism, the legal and political capability is to reduce the obligations or return to the conditions of pre deal. This research based on analytical & descriptive method. With the emphasis on documentary decision analysis on the theories of Herbert Simon and Jack Snyder.
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