The Explanation of Reproduction of the Conflict between the I.R, Iran and the United States in West Asia in Post Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action: A Return to Neorealism.
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationssayed amir jafari 1 , enayatollah yazdani 2 * , mohammad ali basiri 3
1 - PHD Student of International Relations of Political Science Department, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, university of Isfahan,Isfahan,iran
2 - Associate Professor of Political Science Department, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, university of Isfahan,Isfahan,iran
3 - Department of Political Science, University of Isfahan
Keywords: Iran, neo-realism, Balance of Power, balance of threat, deterrence, Keywords: Middle East,
Abstract :
Abstract:After the return of conflicting parties about Iran’s nuclear program and 5+1 countries to nuclear negotiations table and the conclusion of international agreement called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA), it was expected that this peaceful model of settlement of disputes can be used for other conflicting issues. But the post JCPA developments reduced the hope and possibility of applying this model to other disputing issues. Contrary to the views of analysts, Iran has remained on top of security threat recognized by the United States and its traditional allies in the region. Besides that the entrance of extra regional actors in the region has added intensity to counter balancing in the region. Although the neo-realist theory cannot alone offer a correct perception about the developments of the Middle East yet it is having the power to simplify the explanation of events and more realistically predict the future developments. The present article tries to answer the question that “What are the causes of regenerating conflicts between Iran and the United States in post JCPA era?” the neo-realist theory helps us to explain the answer to the above question. The hypothesis is that due to continuation of balance of power in the Middle East, one can see the intensification of security competitions and regeneration of insecurity with the objective of disrupting the present balance of power. The cooperation of Iran with 5+1 countries has not been able to prevent escalation of conflicts in the Middle East. Therefore, it seems that following the model of JCPA for solving other differing regional issues will be having heavy costs for Iran.