The Patterns of Turkish and Iranian Foreign Policy in the Latin American Region
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
Rahmat Hajimineh
Mohammad Ostadvali
1 - Department of Communication and Human Sciences, Human Sciences Faculty, East Tehran, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Latin American Studies, Faculty of World Studies, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Iran, Turkey, Liberalism, Constructivism, Latin America,
Abstract :
Latin America as a geopolitical region has recently found a special place in Turkish and Iranian foreign policy. Given their proximity and competition in the Middle East, their presence in the region of Latin America and their strategy for this region is crucial and significant. So the main question in this article is, what are the patterns of Turkish and Iranian foreign policy in Latin America? In this regard, the main hypothesis of the paper is that Turkey's foreign policy model in the region of Latin America is based on economy motivations, while Iran's model in that region is identity-based and ideological one. In addition, the research findings show that due to the political changes especially the relocation of the ruling parties that the Latin American region is constantly experiencing, the economy-based model will be more effective in maintaining long-term relationships than the identity-based and ideological approach. Meanwhile, The research method in this paper is descriptive-analytical with a comparative approach.
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