State Crisis in Libya and Security of the Europe
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
Rashid Recabian
Mahdi Mohammad Nia
mehrdad alepour
1 - Assistant Professor of Political Science , Ayatollh Boroujerdi University
2 - Ph.D. in strategic Studies, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Ayatollah Boroujerdi University
3 - Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Guilan
Keywords: "security", "Immigration", "Libya", "EU", "international terrorism",
Abstract :
Since the fall of Qaddafi, no government has ever able to establish a unified sovereignty in Libya. So today, Libya has two independent states: the National Unity Government which is being supported by the United Nations and the interim government formed by the parliament of Tobruk, a supporter of the general, Khalifa Haftar in al-Bayda. In the post-Gaddafi era, it was hoped that the new government could lead Libya toward democracy, but, due to the division of sovereignty and political conflict between the seekers of power, a crisis of authority and insecurities caused by violent tribal activists and Salafists led the post-authoritarian state turned out to be regarded as a failed state. With the intensification of conflicts between various political groups, including Haftar and the National Unity Government in Tripoli, the possibility of state-building in this country has been confused. The main question is that "How does the government's crisis in Libya's new political conditions affect the security of European countries?" The hypothesis of the article is that "the expansion of civil war and chaos during post-Gaddafi era has led Libya, as a failed state, to be a base for the migration of terrorist groups and human trafficking into Europe".
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