Islamic Republic of Iran’s Foreign Policy: identity promotion
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsghodrat ahmadyan 1 , Seyyed Amirhossein Baniashraf 2 *
1 - Member of Political Science Department, Social Science Faculty, Razi University, Kermanshah
2 - PHD Candidate, Political Science Department, Social Science Faculty, Razi University, Kermanshah
Keywords: realism, strategic culture, Cultural realism, Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy, Iranian – Islamic Identity,
Abstract :
The aim of this article is to study the I.R of Iran foreign policy in light of Alastair Iain Johnston’s cultural realism. Generally, all of the approaches used in analyzing I.R.Iran foreign policy are effected by realism tradition and constructivism theory. Considering the previous studies as imperfect and looking into foreign policy of I.R of Iran based on Johnston’s theory regarding china, this article focuses on Seeking and maintaining identity status of I.R of Iran and its role in international system. By this, the aim is to mix realism concepts with cultural items. The result of research suggest that there is a clear convergency between I.R of Iran foreiegn policy and the Johnston’s Cultural realism theory. So, the strategic and military requests and goals of I.R of Iran in the middle east are subject to strategic culture and cultural realism and are effected by the attention of this country to achievement of position and statuse in Internation system. The reaserch method in this article is descriptive- analytical, the analysis is based on Johnston’s cultural realism and the library method is used for data gathering.
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