Analyzing the Failure of Deal of Century in Making Peace
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
Ehsan Ejazi
mehdi lakzi
1 - PhD in International Relations, University of Guilan, Iran
2 - PhD in Political Science , Islamic Azad University Tehran Central Branch, Tehran, iran
Keywords: Middle East, conflict resolution, Arab Countries, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Deal of Century,
Abstract :
The Trump administration has promised to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Middle East by implementing the Deal of Century. Given the lack of acceptance of this plan, not only by the Palestinians but also by the United States, the main question of this research is: to what extent implementation of Deal of Century can be successful? The hypothesis of this study is as follows: due to lack of attention to the real roots of the conflict, special attention to Israeli interests, disregard for Palestinian rights, drafting a plan without negotiating with the Palestinian side, the inability of the United States to implement some provisions of the plan, the opposition of the Arab League and the European Union, this plan is not feasible and if some of its provisions are implemented unilaterally, it will only increase tensions in the Middle East. The authors have used the model of "resolving territorial disputes" to analyze the probability of success of this project using analytical and descriptive methods. Finally, the authors conclude that to achieve peace in the Middle East, an alternative plan must be considered that would ensure the establishment of an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
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