The Parliamentary oversight of the Turkish constitution after the 2017 referendum
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International RelationsSeyyed Mohammad Taghi HassanZadeh Ghare Aghaji 1 * , Ali Mohammad Fallah zadeh 2
1 - Department of Law, Allameh Tabatabai University
2 - Department of Law, Allameh Tabatabai University
Keywords: Turkey, Constitution, parliamentary oversight, parliamentary speaker, referendum 2017,
Abstract :
The parliamentary oversight in Turkey's 2017 referendum has been dramatically weakened after the conditions for the constitutional change were introduced. These reforms were one of the longstanding goals of the " Edalat & Toseeh" party, by its founder, Tayyip Erdoğan. The National Movement Opposition Party also agreed to these reforms. These reforms included the establishment of a presidential system in place of the current parliamentary system, the abolition of the post of prime minister, the increase of parliament seats from 550 to 600, and amendments to the High Council of Judges and prosecutors. This descriptive and analytical research, written in the field and its findings, shows that, basically, the circle of presidential powers is so widespread and the power of the parliamentarians in the constitution is so weakened that they can, in certain circumstances, ; The function of the ministry, the president and even the judiciary has been tightened up and questioned, and the strong integration of the three forces has intensified in this country. Therefore, it can be argued that after the referendum, parliamentary oversight has been severely undermined. Therefore, it can be argued that after the referendum, parliamentary oversight has been severely undermined.
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