The structural explanation of the metamorphosis of Afghanistan parties from militarism to compromise (Case Study: Islami Party of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar)
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsnaser yosefzehy 1 * , mehdi najafzadeh 2
1 - PhD. Student political Science (Contemporary Iran's Issues), Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
2 - Associate Professor of Political Science Department of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Keywords: Power, Afghanistan, Militarism, compromise, Hekmatyar' Islami Party,
Abstract :
The joining of the Hekmatyar to the process of Afghanistan national peace has been one of the most recent controversial upheaval and affective on the political-security situation this country. The discovery of the cause of this state-reception and the Hekmatyar's historic anti-state is a major issue in this paper. The purpose of this question is to represent the role of politics on the emergence of violence in Afghanistan. Therefore, the question of the present research is that what was the main reason for Hekmatyar's military approach to the states of Afghanistan (1966-2016) and then change it to political approach? The research hypothesis, which is operationalized in the format of the structural theory of Douglas North’s social orders, is follows: the nature and structure of the power systems of the kingdom (1933), authoritarian (1973), communist (1978), non-institutional (1992), and fundamentalist in Afghanistan (1996), which is opposed to Hekmatyar’s Islamism and democratism policy, imposed an armed approach on the party. But, relatively democratic, institutionalized and Islamic system of the post-Taliban Afghanistan provided a peaceful approach to the party. Therfore,, the policy of governments, not the construction of a society has led to the emergence of social violence in Afghanistan.
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_||_Alleyne, M.D.,(2003) Global lies? Propaganda, the UN and the world order. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan Publishers. Alleyne, M.D., (2005) The United Nations’ celebrity diplomacy, SAIS Review of International Affairs, Vol.25, No.1,pp:175-185, Winter-Spring. Johns Hopkins University Press Bleiker, R. (2009) Aesthetics and World Politics, London: Palgrave Macmillan Brockington, D.,(2014) Celebrity advocacy and international development. London: Routledge. Cheng ,K. and Leung, V.,(2017) Celebrity Culture and the Entertainment Industry in Asia, Intellect publisher: University of Chicago Press Cooper, A.,F.(2008a) Beyond One Image Fits All: Bono and the Complexity of Celebrity Diplomacy, Global Governance, Vol. 14, No. 3 (July–September) , pp. 265-272 Cooper, A.F. ( 2008b) Celebrity diplomacy. Boulder, London: Paradigm. Cooper, A.,F. ,Dobson,H. and Wheeler, M. (2017) Non-western celebrity politics and diplomacy: introduction ,Celebrity Studies, Vol.8, No.2, 312-317 Corner, J. and Pels, D., (2003) Introduction: the restyling of politics. In: J. Corner and D. Pels, eds. The media and the restyling of politics, 1–18. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage. Corner, J., (2003) Mediated persona and political culture. In: J. Corner and D. Pels, eds. The media and the restyling of politics, 67–84. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage. Dieter,H. and Kumar, R.,(2008) The Downside of Celebrity Diplomacy: The Neglected Complexity of Development, Global Governance , Vol. 14, No. 3 (July–September 2008), pp. 259-264 Dittmer, L., (2000) Conclusion: East Asian informal politics in comparative perspective. In: L. Dittmer, H. Fukui, and P.N.S. Lee, ed. Informal politics in East Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 290–306 Engle, K.(2012) Celebrity diplomacy and global citizenship, Celebrity Studies, Vol.3, No.1, pp:116-118 Falt, E., (2009) How insiders view the issues facing celebrity diplomat. Celebrity diplomacy workshop, 21 April. Los Angeles, CA: USC Center on Public Diplomacy at the Annenberg School, Norman Lear Center Forrest,Adam(2015) Did Live 8 Work? 10 Years On, The Debt Burden Returns, accessible on July 13, available link at: Goh, Timothy (2017) Dennis Rodman in North Korea: Other celebrities who cosied up to world leaders or their kin, accessible on June 13, available link at: dennis-rodman-in-north-korea-other-celebrities-who-cosied-up-to-world-leaders-or-their-kin Jones ,M.,O (2017) Nation branding and celebrity diplomacy in Bahrain, Celebrity Studies, Vol.8, No. 2, pp: 324-330 Kellner, D, (2010) Celebrity diplomacy, spectacle and Barack Obama, Celebrity Studies, 1 (1), pp:121–123 Kellner, D., (2005) Media spectacle and the crisis of democracy. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Press. Louw, E.,(2005) The media and political process. London: Sage Publications Marshall, P. D. (1997) Celebrity and Power: Fame in Contemporary Culture, Minneapolis MN: University of Minnesota Press. Pike, D., (2000) Informal politics in Vietnam. In: L. Dittmer, H. Fukui, and P.N.S. Lee, ed. Informal politics in East Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 269–289. Ribke N. (2015) Entertainment Industries and ‘Liberal’ Celebrities: the Failure to Convert Attention into Political Power. In: A Genre Approach to Celebrity Politics. Palgrave Macmillan, London. pp:117-133. Richey, L.A., (2016) Celebrity humanitarianism and North-South relations: politics, place and power. London: Routledge Stein, A. and Georges, B.,B.(2009) An Introduction to the Entertainment Industry, Bern: Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers Street,John (2012) Do Celebrity Politics and Celebrity Politicians Matter? The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, BJPIR: 2012 Vol.14, pp:346–356 Stree, John (2004) Celebrity Politicians: Popular Culture and Political Representation, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 6:4, 435–452. Street, J., (2003) The celebrity politician: political style and popular culture. In: J. Corner and D. Pels, eds. The media and the restyling of politics, 85–98. London: Sage. Vallely, P.,(2009) From A-lister to aid worker: does celebrity diplomacy really work? Independent, 17 January. Available from (accessed 17 April 2010). Wheeler ,Mark (2011) Celebrity diplomacy: United Nations’ Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace, Celebrity Studies, Vol. 2, No.1, pp: 6-18, Wheeler, M. ( 2013) Celebrity politics. Cambridge: Polity Press.