The Impact of the Characteristics of the Procedure of Periodic Evaluation of Human Rights Council on Promotion of Respect for Human Rights by Governments
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International RelationsAhmadreza Habibi Ardakani 1 * , Masoud Hemat 2
1 - Islamic Azad University of Shahreza
2 - Assistant professor, law department, IAU, Shahreza Branch.
Keywords: characteristics, Human Rights Council, governments, Keywords: human rights, the global periodic rites of review,
Abstract :
Abstract: With the establishment of Human Rights Council of the United Nations new mechanism took shape within the council to enhance the respect for human rights. One of these mechanisms is Universal Periodic Review (UPR) which evaluates the condition of human rights of all the countries in period of time of four to four and half years. The aforementioned mechanism is a promotional and supervisory framework based on interaction, dialogue and cooperation by countries which its objective is to strengthen respect for human rights throughout the world. The present article by a descriptive analytical method wants to examine the impact of the mechanism of universal periodic review of the Council of Human Rights of the United Nations on strengthening the human rights among the governments. The hypothesis is that universal periodic review mechanism has led to enhancement of the respect of human rights by the governments. The finding of the study shows that the unique characteristics of the Universal Periodic Review (which cannot be found in other mechanism of the United Nations) such as increasing cooperation among governments, NGOs and international interactions, evaluation of different aspects of human rights issues, the equality of states in investigating human rights and assessment of human rights based on collaboration and interaction, have brought accountability by the governments about human rights issues.