Post-structuralism, Power and Crisis in International Relations' Theories: A Case Study of Human Security Concept
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsحجت داوند 1 , Mohammad Davand 2 *
1 - دانشجو
2 - دانشجو دانشگاه تربیت مدرس
Keywords: Power, Post-Structuralism, international relations, Human Security, Key words: Theorizing,
Abstract :
Abstract: Nowadays the macro theories of international relations do not properly address the new problems aroused in world politics like ecological problems, hunger and migration. This has led to the formation of trends in international relations which their structure and pattern do not conform to real world and scientific criteria. One of these trends is the concept of “human security”. The theorists of this concept do not have a consensus on its principles and the structure of human security. They consider the developing countries as a source of threat against human security without producing enough scientific evidences. Now the question arises that how one can analyze the relation of power and the crisis of theorizing in international relations? By examining the basis of postmodern paradigm regarding human security and the power-knowledge relation it becomes clear that the important role of industrialized nations and capitalist system are neglected. Therefore, their explanation of the concept of human security does not conform to scientific criteria and thus cannot help theorizing this concept in international relations properly.
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