Persian Gulf Cooperation Council: the Management of Cooperation to Economic Integration
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
1 - ندارم
2 - دانشیار دانشکده اقتصاد دانشگاه شیراز
Keywords: Interdependence, Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, economic integration, multilaterals, international interactions,
Abstract :
Abstract: The Great Britain withdrawal from the Persian Gulf is late 1960s coincided with declaration of independence of the United Arab Emirates. The emergence of these new actors in regional subsystem of Persian Gulf created new power structure in the region. The littoral Arab states of Persian Gulf under the impact of economic, social, cultural and security factors came together to form a regional organization and they established Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC). The present article by the help of integration theories wants to answer this question that what have been the developments in PGCC after its formation? The underlying hypothesis is that the PGCC priorities have changed after its formation and they want to have more cooperation in economic fields and deepening economic integration. The finding of the study shows that the process of cooperation on different fields has led to intensification of economic integration
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