The Impact of Money Laundering on Expansion of Organized Terrorism in the Middle East (2001-2016)
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
سید سعید میرترابی
mohsen keshvarian
1 - عضو هیئت علمی
2 - Kharazmi
Keywords: financing, terrorism, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, trade, Key words: money laundering,
Abstract :
Abstract: The expansion of terrorism and its widespread occurrence particularly the organized one had led researchers to deeply study the roots, causes and the ways to contain it. Since the Middle East region is one of the centers which terrorism has grown considerably, the present article wants to study the impact of money laundry as one of the factors that reinforces the terrorist groups in the Middle East. The article wants to answer this question that how money laundering helps the growth of organized terrorist groups (Al-Qaeda and ISISI) from 2001 to 2016. The hypothesis is that money laundering by providing a secure network for supplying major part of financial resources and external transections of organized terrorist groups with foreign partners has created the ground for the growth of organized terrorism in the Middle East from 2001 to 2016. The article shows the complexity and the dimension of money laundering techniques used by organized terrorist groups for financial transaction and money transfer. Therefore, there is a need for a comprehensive and common political will with the region and beyond the region to contain the challenge of money laundering by organized terrorist groups. This will be possible when the measures and mechanism decided for this purpose do not be used for political capital again certain countries in the region, a situation which unfortunately used by the Western Banks against Iran. The methodology used by the article is descriptive-analytical.
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