Explanation the Approaches of the AKP towards Kurds Minority (From National Reconciliation to Political Repression 2002- 2015)
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationssoghra farahmand 1 * , alireza samiee 2
1 - PNU Qazvin
2 - Assistant Professor University of Yasouj
Keywords: AKP, Key words: Turkey, Kurds minority, national reconciliation, repression policy,
Abstract :
Abstract: The approach adopted by the leader s of AKP party of Turkey towards the Kurdish minority after 2002 parliamentary elections victory showed the sign of move towards national reconciliation in future years. Nevertheless in practice the party could not act to its commitments towards the Kurd minority. The present paper wants to know the reasons for the change of policy and fluctuations of AKP party toward the Kurds minority between 2002 till 2015. The paper make use of qualitative causal method to answer the question as to what have been the causes of widening gap between Turks-Kurds after the decade of reconciliation policy and withdrawal of support of the Kurds to AKP party in 2015 elections? The underlying hypothesis is that the inability of Turkish government led by AKP in pursuing and fulfilling the demands of Kurdish minority and failure of the Kurds to reach their main demands on the one hand and the tendency of the Kurds to extra-territorial solidarity with Syrian Kurds and Iraqi Kurds after the fast happening developments in the Middle East on the other hand led to sharpening the cleavage between the Turks and the Kurds in recent elections. The finding of the study shows that a part of the policies of the AKP remained on rhetoric and in practice could not fulfill the party’s objectives. Consequently the failure of the AKP party to pursue and fulfill the demands of the Kurds led to the activation of gap between Turks and Kurds in recent elections.