Iraqi Kurdistan and Islamic Republic of Iran in an Era of interdependence: Opportunities and challenges
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International RelationsHossein Masoudnia 1 * , Ali Ebrahimi 2 , Mojtaba Rezazadeh 3
1 - Assistant professor, political science department, Esfahan University
2 - Ph.D. student in political science, Esfahan University
3 - Ph.D. student in international relations, Tehran University.
Keywords: Interdependence, Islamic Republic of Iran, opportunities, challenges, Key words: Iraqi Kurdistan,
Abstract :
Abstract: Undoubtedly the geopolitical location of Iran and Iraq and their economic, political and cultural ties has intertwined in history and in an era of interdependence one can witness the interactions of the above spheres. One of the regions where has great importance in new Iraq is the autonomous region of Kurdistan. This region has great geopolitical significance and it is necessary to know that what opportunities and challenges it has for the Islamic Republic of Iran. The present article by adopting mutual interdependence as its theoretical framework wants to answer this question as to what potentials and factors Iraqi Kurdistan have to influence Islamic Republic of Iran. The underlying hypothesis is that the relations between Iran and Iraqi Kurdistan in issues like culture, terrorism and regional security, economic activities and the issue of energy can create opportunities and challenges for Islamic Republic of Iran. The present article by a qualitative method and descriptive-analytical approach deals with the problem. The finding of the study shows that the right understanding of the importance and place of Iraqi Kurdistan can help to achieve Iran's interests and contain the threats from the latter.
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