Explaining the Foreign Policy of Saudi Arabia vis-à-vis the Excommunicative Terrorism in Iraq and Syria
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsمهدی هدایتی شهیدانی 1 , sajad morady kelardeh 2 *
1 - استادیار علوم سیاسی دانشگاه گیلان
2 - بیکار
Keywords: Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Threat Balance, Excommunicative terrorism,
Abstract :
Abstract: The Middle East region is witnessing an increase in the activities of terrorist groups in recent years. The activities of these groups have had different reactions of regional countries. The present paper by an analytical method and within the framework of defensive realism theory wants to examine Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy towards excommunicative terrorism in Iraq and Syria and with this objective discusses two main questions. First what is the role of excommunicative terrorism in Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy in Iraq and Syria? Second, what strategies does Saudi Arabia follow about excommunicative terrorism in Iraq and Syria? The findings of the paper shows that the excommunicative terrorism in Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy plays the role of threat balancing in the face of Iran’s expansion of power in Iraq and Syria and Saudi Arabia’s strategy vis-à-vis excommunicative terrorism is a varied range of policies consisting direct support, making consensus against Iran in regional organizations under his influence and coalition making with regional countries. The article examines the above issue by the use of library and internet sources.
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