A Theoretical Evaluation of Relation of Responsibility to Protect and the Sovereignty of State from Constructivism Point of View
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International RelationsMohammad Hossein Jamshidi 1 , Ahmad Soltani Nejad 2 * , Nikbood Masoumzadeh 3
1 - Assistant Prof. International Relations, Tarbiat Modares University
2 - َAssistant prof. of International Relations, Tarbiat Modares University
3 - دانشجوی دکتری روابط بین الملل – دانشگاه تربیت مدرس
Keywords: structure, Responsibility, Genocide, Sovereignty, Constructivism Theory, the doctrine of the responsibility to protect, Actors,
Abstract :
Abstract With the rise of problems by some states in international arena like genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity, international institutions tried to stop the escalation and continuation of these behaviors and took preventive measures in this direction. In this regard “the doctrine of responsibility to protect” could be a good worldwide measure to counter the breach of the rights of humanities by the governments which do not abide by international norms. In order to do so the preventive measures should be strong enough to contain the power of the sovereignty of the states, so that the anomalies of some states behavior are controlled. But since this doctrine itself has some ambiguities, the present paper wants to discuss these aspects pertaining to this issue. The main question of the article is “what is the theoretical source of the doctrine”; which international relations theories can explain or provide better understanding of the positive or negative impacts of this doctrine in international interactions? The present article makes use of Alexander Wendt constructive theory and deductive method to examine the relation of sovereignty of the states and doctrine of responsibility to protect and how the intervention of world community in sovereign power of the states who do not abide by international norms, is effective in controlling international anomalies.