Scenarios for the future of relations of Iran and Saudi Arabia
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsroghayeh javidi 1 , Gholamreza Behroozi Lak 2 *
1 - Ph.D. student of political science The tendency of Iranian issues in Bagher-Al-ulum University
2 - Assistant professor in political science, Bagher-ul-Olom University.
Keywords: Saudi Arabia, Keywords: Iran, scenario analysis on the influence, driving force,
Abstract :
Abstract: Interactions and relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia as two regional powers are affecting the regional development and themselves. These interactions are important and one can predict the future trend of these foreign policy directions and formulate desirable and timely policies and make appropriate decisions. The present paper wants to use a combination of methodology of scenario writing of James Dytor and second step analysis to predict the trend, events and future scenario of Iran and Saudi Arabia relations in order to have a better planning and policy making. The main question raised by the paper is "what are the future scenario of coming decade of Iran and Saudi Arabia relations?" By understanding the events and the driving force which strengthen the relations and obstacles which impedes the relations one comes to the conclusion that the scenario of straining relations is more probable and the scenario of cooperation is having list possibility. Besides that the scenario of breaking our war or conflict is also probable depending on factors which strengthen the driving force. Therefore, taking into consideration the above scenarios it is necessary that the political leaders in their strategic planning adopt the pattern of cooperation and constructive interaction. They should strengthen the cultural and ideological drivers and encourage the regional countries to further cooperation scenario.
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