The Impasse of the Text in Margins A Response to “An Inquiry into the Possibility of so Translating Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit into Persian that such a Book Deserves” written by P. Zia’ Shahabi
Subject Areas : Philosophy
1 - ندارد
Keywords: immanent critique, phenomenological asceticism (z, interpretative coercion (‘onf-, halo projection, superfluous
, critique,
Abstract :
The article written by P. Zia’ Shahabi consists mainly of a critique of twoPersian translations of Heidegger’s Being and Time, which have beenrecently published. My article is not as a response to his whole article;rather, it is a response to that part of his article which is directly concernedto my translation. I also assess his critique and method in general. Noneed to say that any point of his critique which is correct is boldlyacknowledged and appreciated. Some points are incorrect which arerefuted through exposing sufficient argumentation (or reasoning). Someother points which seem neither correct nor incorrect, stimulating me tomodify my translation, are explicated. (I, of course, do so accompanyingwith appreciation and thanks!)Saying thanks is not formal and a mere nonsensical appreciation, thoughsuch a formality is in vogue. Wherever there is philosophical thinking ,particularly phenomenological thinking, whatever is “hors de sujet”,including personal implausibility and individual pain, ought to bedismissed. According to Aristotle: ‘Amicus Plato, set magis amicarerites’.Finally, there are two points which are important: first, answering to all ofthe critic’s notes is impossible because of the standards of this journal(about the bulk of content). Second, following the critic, I would make useof his Persian transliteration of Heidegger’s name except in quotations.