Ibn Sina on “Divine Attributes”
Subject Areas : Philosophymohsen Ghasempour 1 , Seyed Abbas Zahabi 2 * , Mohammad Seedimehr 3
1 - PhD Student of Islamic Philosophy, Department of Law, Theology and Political Science, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Philosophy, Department of Law, Theology and Political Science, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor of Philosophy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Divine names and attributes, Exemplary Objectivity, Conceptual Unity, Ibn sina, Islamic Philosophy,
Abstract :
In the history of human thought, no fundamental issue has made man think as much as the knowledge of God, which is not possible except through His attributes, and the answer to which has been a serious demand of thinkers of every age, especially philosophers. In Islamic philosophical thought, Ibn Sina's thought, as the most influential and stable ideas in the field of philosophy, which has caused profound intellectual changes, has special advantages. This article has tried to explain the relationship between the geometry of this sage's opinions in the basic axes of the discussion of divine names and attributes, ie “objectivity of essence and attributes” and “conceptual unity of attributes” by modeling this philosophical thought in the geography of Shiite thought. The final finding of the research emphasizes the fact that in Ibn Sina's view, “objectivity of attributes with essence” is in fact the basis of the theory of “conceptual union of attributes” and the connection between the two titles is necessary; Therefore, Ibn Sina, based on an accurate understanding of the “objectivity of essence and attributes” and subsequently, has proposed this specific theory in the “conceptual union of attributes”.