Avistotle, Ibn-Sina, and Spinoza on “Substance”: A Comparative Study
Subject Areas : Philosophyمهدی اسعدی 1 * , سید مرتضی طباطبایی 2 *
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2 - ندارد
Keywords: substance, accident, Subject, predicate, concrete individual
, form, Matter, Genre, universal, Nature, infinite, Quality, estate, irresolvability,
Abstract :
Aristotle and Spinoza are two stream making Philosophers in thehistory of philosophy, and both has chosen the matter of substance astheir philosophical subject. The root of many disputes on a huge part ofwest philosophy can be obtained through comparing the characteristicsof the sub from their point of view. This is notable that thesephilosophers has some similarities in defining the substance, but theyget far from each other in defining the characteristics and instances ofsubstance. The article's first step to examining Aristotle's viewpoint intwo books of Arganon and Metaphysics, and analayzing Spinoza,stheory in book of Ethics. However, looking toward the meaning ofsubstance in the Avecina's custom context and expression, and hisinnovation can also help for better understanding of substance throughMashaism's views. The researchers scale for analyzing has been theamount of consistency of substance definition with the other parts ofphilosophical system. With examining the following the conclusionwould be that Spinoza's definition bears more logical stability andprovides a more solid system.