If Panderim among Prescribed Punishments(Hodood)
Subject Areas : Philosophy
1 - ندارد
Abstract :
According to well-know opinion of Shiite jurisproudence panderism isamong Prescibed Punishments (hodood). All Iranian Legislationsregarding the issue after the Islamic Revolution followed this idea.In this article Iwill argue in a fighi way that there are no strong andsufficient reason which prove that panderism is among hoddood andconsequently it should be considerd as a crime which ouccer in thecategory of Discretionary Punishments (Taazirat). So, Islamic CriminalJustics can respond proportionately to the different degrees of thiscrime by providing useful punishments and in harmony with similarcrimes such as trafficking on women for prostitution. The article alsodeals with implicitly some ambiguous legal aspects of the crimewhether it would be among Hodood or Tazirat.