Mind as the Mirror of Nature: Cartesian Thought Criticized by Rorty
Subject Areas : Philosophy
Keywords: : Rorty, Cartesian Mind, representation, Mirror of Nature,
Abstract :
Rorty's goal is to criticize the Cartesian conception of philosophy that has led to its increasing specialization and departure from the other aspects of culture; a view that in his opinion is the end result of accepting the Cartesian mirror-like mind. According to Rorty, this point of view is the culmination of accepting the mind as a mirror that reflects the external affairs and philosophers as the guardians of this mirror act as judges who try to recognize the factual reflections of the mirror. Philosophy Claims that this judgment is based on its understanding of the mind and knowledge. In other words, culture is a combination of multiple cognitive claims which are judged by philosophy. Rorty as a neo-pragmatist endeavors to set aside the mirror concept of nature and its corresponding philosophy with the aim of entering philosophy into a dialogue with other spheres of knowledge.
دکارت، رنه، تأملات در فلسفه اولى، ترجمه احمد احمدى، مرکز نشر دانشگاهى، تهران، 1369ش.
رورتی، ریچارد، فلسفه و امید اجتماعی، ترجمه عبدالحسین آذرنگ، نشر نی، تهران، 1384ش.
همو، پیشامد، بازی و همبستگی، ترجمه پیام یزدانجو، نشر مرکز، تهران، 1385ش.
ویتگنشتاین، لودویگ، پژوهشهاى فلسفى، ترجمه فریدون فاطمى، نشرمرکز، تهران، 1380ش.
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