Tabataba’i and his Successors Problem of Knowledge
Subject Areas : Philosophy
Ghasem Pour Hasan Darzi
Maryam Solgi
1 - ندارد
2 - مسؤول مکاتبات
Keywords: Knowledge, knower, that of knowing [world], Mind, realms
, of being, knowledge by acquaintance, knowledge by presence,
Abstract :
Tabataba’i has defined knowledge as the presence of one abstract inanother abstract. The first abstract which is the known has its existencein knowledge by presence and its essence in knowledge by aquintance.The second one is the very knower’s mind. Tabataba’i and hissuccessors have deduced some argument in order to demonstrateabstractedness of the two mentioned case. It seems that suchargumentation would be the first step in ontology of knowledge. Othersteps and themes are the realms of being, overlapping of these realms,unification of knower and known and that of knowing [world], andreduction of knowledge by acquaintance to knowledge by presence.