The Methodology of Justification and Critique in Sadrian Theosophy
Subject Areas : Philosophy
1 - ندارد
Keywords: Methodology, Justification, Criticism, transcendent
, philosophy, self-justification, demonstrative syllogism, intuition,
Abstract :
One of the major issues in modern methodological discussions isthe method of justification in different schools of thought, whichwas formerly called “the why of justification”, that is, the reasonwhy something is justified. Defying the limiting methodologies ofhis predecessors in justification, Mullā Sadrā makes methodologicaluse of his intuitive findings, on equal footing with demonstrativesyllogism. He resorts to methods of mystics in justifying thetranscendent theses in his philosophy. Moreover, in listing the basicpropositions, next to the first principles of the past philosophers, healso includes intuitive propositions acquired through the faculty ofillumination.Since Mullā Sadrā sought to found a novel system of thought, heconcerned himself with analyzing and criticizing otherphilosophers, employing logical methods in dealing with theirprinciples, arguments, and conclusions