Reflections on the Different Tree Waves from the Theory of Social Systems
Subject Areas : Philosophy
Keywords: Keywords: systemic approach, social systems, complexity, Emergence, dynamics,
Abstract :
Abstract Systems thought is trying to build a global knowledge, and thus, makes closer the separated disciplines to each other, and thereby overcome on the complexity of different issues of the scientific disciplines. The increasing complexity of society led to sociologists show a considerable attention to systemic approach. The result was the formation of the three wave of theory of social systems. The conception of systems and the idea of the theory of systems are mixed with the efforts of modern society to monitor and control on its own. This means that the theory of systems as a social construction is formed and developed in association with social conditions and existing paradigms. More reflection on the reasons the entrance of systemic approach to sociology, and its theoretical principles and its process of formation makes more apparent the importance of communication. Because of, the relationship of different sciences and theories together moves ahead human knowledge. It seems, the philosophy of complexity is influenced the social theories, because of “Social emergence”, “complexity”, and “dynamics” are the most important issues that are considered by these theories.
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