Relationship between Emotion and Knowledge on
Mullasadra’s View
Subject Areas :
Najaf Yazdani
Mohammad Saeedimehr
S.Abbas Zahabi
1 - مسئول مکاتبات
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
Received: 2013-01-30
Accepted : 2013-05-27
Published : 2013-08-23
Abstract :
Dimension of the knowledge is considered as the most importanthuman dimension and, therefore, the investigation about the otherdimensions which are related to human’s understanding is as important.Nowadays, one of these dimensions considered by Psychologists andepistemologists is emotions dimension. Throughout the history ofthought, two general approaches can be observed about emotions.Some thinkers have always remarked of emotion’s negative role andhave shown its negative functions and have tried to remove it. Othersbelieve emotions are helpful to reason and knowledge .In this article,after introducing these two theories, we try to reread Mullasadra’s ideasabout the relationship of emotion to knowledge. On negative effects ofemotions and feelings in Mullasadra’s ideas, the effects of emotion inthe acceptance of imitative opinions, familiarity with materials and itsinfluence on knowledge, passions effect on soul imparity from divineknowledge, emotions role in defecting from favorable end, and feelingsaffection on wisdom are discussed. In positive role of feelings thevirtual and true loves have been dealt with
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