The Significant Absence of Man to Express the Divine in the Crisis of Corona 2019: An Analysis According to Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
Subject Areas : PhilosophyMahboobeh Akbari Naseri 1 * , Behrooz Elyasi 2
1 - PhD Student of Philosophy of Art, Faculty of Law, Theology & Political Sciences, Tehran branch of Science & Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - PhD of Philosophy of Art, Faculty of Law, Theology & Political Sciences, Tehran branch of Science & Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Corona virus, Man, Divine, God, art, religion, Philosophy,
Abstract :
The global outbreak of the corona virus (2019) in the world has led to a rethinking of many human relationships. The humanities, and especially philosophy, were no exception. In this study, an attempt is made to rethink the absence of humans in public and its relation to the expression of the divine in three areas: art, religion, and philosophy, according to the text of the “Phenomenology of spirit”. In Hegel's thought, the expression of the divine command in the three mentioned fields is possible with the presence of man and for man. The emptying of public, especially places of worship, has led us to question how man and the divine relate to the contemporary world. The results of this study show that in the modern world, nihilism and secularism, art and religion were ineffective in expressing the divine from Hegel's point of view. However, the specific appearances and ceremonies of the arts and the Christian revealed religion still demonstrate them to be effective, Corona unveiled a larger crisis that is the result of the departure of the divine. In the contemporary world, it is possible to express the divine in philosophy. Hegel argues that religion and God are rational, and that the process of the Spirit's manifestation in the material world has been rational, but with an in-depth look at the history of metaphysics, and the events of the modern world, we see that the rational divine is still unthinkable. Corona's outbreak crisis reveals a lack of wisdom