The Crisis of Modern Man and Modern Art for José Ortega y Gasset
Subject Areas : Philosophy
Keywords: José Ortega y Gasset, crisis, Modern Art, Dehumanization,
Abstract :
The crisis of modern man and its emergence in modern art is one of the themes that the Spanish philosopher, José Ortega y Gasset has addressed. He believes that crisis is unique to mankind, and human being manifests it in different aspects of his life. One of the critical aspects of human life is art. The dehumanization of modern art, distancing from traditional aesthetic aspects, emancipation from objective reality, and shifting towards abstraction and new concerns, have altered the art. Dynamism and the features of modern art are characteristics of the modern world where the speed of change and transformation of the phenomena caused instability of existing values, so that the history of art throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was accumulated by various manifestos and isms. Such acceleration and fundamental changes can make any situation unstable and subject to crisis. From the standpoint of Ortega, an artist in such critical and unstable conditions shifts to another style, and this would appear through his action, i.e. the artwork. This appearance alters the boundaries of the definition of art. In other words, this process of changing begins in the artist's view, influences his artwork, and thus changes the meaning of art.
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