Study the Relation of Objective Moral Truths and Theistic View of the Moral Life From Professor Motahari and C. S. Lewis’s Point of View
Subject Areas : Philosophy
Keywords: Keywords: Moral absolutism, Moral relativism, Moral objectivism, Motahari, C. S. Lewis,
Abstract :
Abstract In this paper, according to C. S. Lewis's approach to moral objectivism and belief in some sort of relativism in ethical behavior, and also considering his theistic view to human moral life, we will explain part of moral philosophy Motahari and to justify his belief in moral relativism in behaviors and customs in various societies human, we will follow this claim that Motahari, like Lewis, belief that moral values is absolute, eternal and true and generally objective, and he supported of theistic view as backup and represents of moral values. By comparison between these philosophical discourses of two philosophers will be obvious that transcendent moral principles and values can be achieved only by believe in absolute and eternal moral values and believe in existence of God as the protector of this moral life and will be obvious that believe in Meta-ethics relativism, that influenced by the materialist view of the universe, can’t justify properly this transcendent and holy principles and values.
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