The role of "concept of freedom" in issuing sentences and moral values by relying on Sartre's phenomenological methodology.
Subject Areas : Philosophy of artzeinabsadat mirshamsi 1 * , Negar Ezharijenekanloo 2 , Monireh sayyidmazhari 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Islamic Azad University of Karaj.
2 - Ph.D. student, Department of Theology, Philosophy and Islamic Theology, Islamic Azad University of Karaj.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Theology, Philosophy and Islamic Theology, Islamic Azad University of Karaj.
Keywords: ethical values , ethical precepts , Sartre , freedom .,
Abstract :
The purpose of ethical view in existentialist is a better description of being human. Sartre philosopher of existentialist philosophers, as human is free and autonomous, so in ethics there is no general rule, so there is no fixed value and human is simply the source of value and moral code. According to such a view, the criterion for doing a verb as well as moral judgment is the individual himself, since the individual himself is the creator of his deeds because of his freedom. As well as his existentialist themes, Sartre also rejects the absolute morality that everyone is valid and replaces it with a moral that alone is valid for the individual. In the present article, we intend to study the nature of ethical values by relying on the concept of freedom from the perspective of Sartre in order to determine the role of moral values in how ethical judgments are issued.
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