Molavi’s Strategies in Masnavi for Confronting with the Reprehensible Fears by Looking at the Psychologists' Views
Subject Areas : شاهنامهparastoo Yamini 1 , kamel ahmadnejhad 2 * , farideh mohseni 3 , afsaneh lotfi 4
1 - Ph.D. Student in Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch.
2 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University (Corresponding Author).
3 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University.
4 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University.
Keywords: Masnavi Manavi, False Fear, the conditions of Fear, Strategies for Fear. Psychology,
Abstract :
In his mystical trainings, Molana has considered all aspects of human personality and offers solutions for psychic and mental disorders. One of these mental disorders he has proceeded on in Masnavi Manavi is fear. In his overall outlook, the concept of fear is devided into two types: reprehensible and praiseworthy fear. The reprehensible fear, which is the focus of attention in this study, is originated from false and fake self. Some mental conditions creating these reprehensible fears are as follows: fear of death, grief of homelessness and loneliness, fear of fate and providence, fear of evil oppositions, fear of choice, fear of sin, and so on. Based on Rumi's view, the ways to deal with and get rid of the reprehensive fear are: religion, repentance, trust on God and submission to his will, discovering the true self (inner treasure), abandoning projection, accepting the internal conflicts, satisfaction in the light of poverty and mystical annihiliation, familiarity with the mechanism of sin to achive growth and sublimity, etc. The present study is a descriptiveـanalytic research using the library studies. In this article, since the category of fear is related to the field of psychology and Molana has been presenting therapeutic concepts (albeit with different approaches and aims) centuries before today's psychologists, (except for the analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung) the view points of humanistic and existential psychologists such as Rollo May, Erich Fromm, Viktor Frankl, Irvin Yalom, Abraham Maslow, Soren Kierkigaard, Karen Horney, etc. are used. By doing so, not only the richness of these concepts would be intensified but doing this research also could prove that centuries before, Molana has developed mechanisms and concepts in his stories, either explicitly or explicitly, to deal with the fears useful and applicable for the next generations. Therefore, the trainings of the predecessors of Iranian literature and mysticism should not be neglected.
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