The meaning of life from Nasser Khosrow's point of view, relying on mental images of existence
Subject Areas :
Sayyed hamed Mousavi jervekani
1 - faculty of payamnoor
Received: 2023-01-05
Accepted : 2023-04-06
Published : 2023-08-23
meaning of life,
Ethical values,
Nasser Khosrow,
mental images of life,
Abstract :
The subject of the meaning of life is one of the concerns of contemporary man, which has been the focus of philosophers and psychologists.Studying the thoughts of the past philosophers in this field will bring important messages for the contemporary man who is caught in the chaos of existence.The purpose of this research is to analyze the meaning of life from the perspective of Nasser.whereas the way a man looks at existence can reveal her attitude to life, the images of existence in his poems were counted and analyzed.This type of study showed that the main image of Nasser is of the existence of "mother"/"woman". A woman/mother has two characteristics of capacity and conception. there are other images in his poems that somehow connect with this macro image. Although these images show a negative view of existence and the world, their analysis and comparison with the macro picture of existence (mother and woman) showed that Nasser does not dislike life and existence, but considers life as a valuable thing; because it is the only opportunity available to a man, but this value is a tool, not essential; That is, this life is a tool to achieve "another life". Through this macro image, the function of a man in existence is also explained. Man's role in relation to mother is child, and in relation to woman, it can be husband, and in both cases, one should be careful not to get attached and fascinated while benefiting from the blessings of existence
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