A Contrastive Analysis of Prophetic Eulogies from jamaladdin Abdol Razzagh Esfahani (Persian Tarkeeb band) and Ahmad Shawqi (Arabic Hamziyeh Nabawiyeh)
Subject Areas : شاهنامه
Keywords: comparison, virtues, ode, Persian and Arabic Literature, Prophetic eulogies, tarkeeb band, Jamaladdin Abdolrazzagh Esfahani, Ahmad shawqi,
Abstract :
The article analyzes one of the genres generously used in both Persian and Arabic. Religious literature is a genre that has not been meritoriously studied by scholars. A subtitle of this genre which is worth mentioning both from the point in praise of prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him). In this article, the authors endeavor to depict the genre's history, background, statu and renowned composers, in different ras of Persian and Arabic literature. The axis of article revolves round a comparison of prophetic eulogies from Jamaladdin Abdol Razzagh Esfahani (Persian Tarkeeb Band) and Ahmad Shawqi (Arabic Hamziyeh Nabawiyeh). Expression of common aspects differences makes the status of the genre clear enough.
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