Textology and Analysis of Didactic and Mystical Teachings of Malahat Ahmadi a moral Poem in Praise of the Prophet (PBUH)
Subject Areas : شاهنامه
Seyed Amir Jihadi Hosseini
Hamid Reza Kharazmi
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran (corresponding author)
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: didactic literature, ritual literature, Mohammad Kazem Sahib, Masih Al Bayan, Malahat Ahmadi,
Abstract :
The most beautiful and yet less-known poet of the Safavid era, who has been confused with another speaker in some sources, is Malahat Ahmadi. His works include the Divan and a collection of Masnavis under the titles of Malahat Ahmadi, Sabahat Yousefi, Aine-Khane, and Pari-Khane. His Divan has been edited and printed by one of the researchers in the past years, but the Masnavis of Sahib have not been edited and published yet. In this article, Malahat Ahmadi's Masnavi, which is one of the ritual poems of Persian literature in the Safavid era, is discussed from the point of view of textology. Malahat Ahmadi's work is written in Bahr Khafif. The entire work is devoted to the praise of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH). In many places, the poet refers to the Prophet's favors for himself. Of course, many verses are also addressed to the Prophet, in which the poet asks for his favors and intercession for himself. In addition to the text, many short and long anecdotes, which sometimes have the flavor of reality, have also been narrated. The style of the work is largely influenced by Hadeegh Sana'i. The language of the work is relatively fluent and stable, and in some positions, the tone and color of the lyrics are woven into the poem.
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