Tradition and Innovation in poetry Hassan Attar
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبیZahra Mohajer noei 1 * , Leyla Qasim Hajiabadi 2
1 - مدرس تمام وقت دانشگاه فرهنگیان استان گلستان
2 - استادیار دانشگاه آزاداسلامی گرمسار
Keywords: poetry, tradition, Innovation, style, Hassan Attar,
Abstract :
Hassan Attar poet of the nineteenth century neoclassical poets moderation traditionand innovation the use of templates, he used classic style folk poetry in theTradition sometimes in the form and sometimes content form of restoring to its original position during the interregnum of light strength.Classical interpretationsthemewith the same old Classical of obvious imitation but heartistic interpretations of the same.form is empty innovation but to it that he had a thorough understanding of contemporary sochial-political situation in the tim contentof his collection of poetry.Among the poets of the nineteenth century neoclassical tradition and innovation exclusively AttarBut in the lyrics of some of his contemporaries but what has different faith tradition and innovation was that apothecary tradition with the thoughts turn in a used،Innovation in content for the expression of popular sentiment.The present article concluded:Attar's classical poets whose poetry style interregnum bound toThe folk formsHe informed
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