A Revision on the definition of" Maa" in Quran on the basis of the translation of Qomeshei and Fouladvand
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبیNejat Abbasi 1 * , Fereshteh Bakhtiari 2 , Shahnaz Nabilou 3
1 - PhD student of science research breach of Islamic Azad university
2 - PhD student of science research breach of Islamic Azad university
3 - PhD student of Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch
Keywords: the translation of Quran, different kinds of the word “Maa”, Qomeshei, foulad vand,
Abstract :
One of the challenges that the translators of Quran encounter with is the translation of the polysemous words such as {ma}. These words have some similarities and diversities in their application so the translators interpret them on the basis of their beliefs which are incorrect and complicated. In this descriptive-analytic research, we tried to explain and define the word "Maa" and revise the translation of Qomeshei and Fouladvand in order to correct the errors and make suggestion . In this research ,different meanings of" Maa" are expressed according to the diversity of its application in different verses and the majority of criticisms on these two translator (qomeshei and fouladvand).
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