Evaluation of the factors affecting on beneficiaries’ participation in Range Management Plans Case study: Rural restrict of Nemarestagh of dependencies of part of Larijan Amol
Subject Areas : RANGLAND MANAGMENTjalal mahmoudi 1 * , amin roudgar 2 , seyedeh khadigeh mahdavi 3
1 - Associate professor ,Department of Natural Resources, Islamic Azad University, Nour branch, Nour.
2 - MSc Islamic Azad University, Noor branch
3 - Assistant professor, Department of Natural Resources, Islamic Azad University, Nour branch, Nour. Iran
Keywords: participation, Range Management plans, Social Economic factor, Rural restrict of Nemarestagh,
Abstract :
Rangeland country include over 52% of the country's size requirement Proper management practices with aim preserve, restore, development and optimize utilization is. In this regard, Range Management Plans prepared in certain area in rangeland and for enforcement was given beneficiaries for action. So Understanding of factors affecting on beneficiary’s participation in Range Management Plans is emergency and for this purpose research in summer rangelands Nemarestagh of dependencies of part of Larijan Amol was done. The tool of research is questionnaire. The population this research are beneficiary’s summer area. 53 beneficiaries were selected random. For determination effective factors at beneficiaries’ participation in Range Management Plans enforcement in area was used descriptive statistics and k-square test, Pearson correlation coefficients and path analysis by using SPSS software. Result this research show that factors for example annual income, extension Classes, Supply inputs beneficiaries’ participation in Range Management Plans increase and level of education and increase age decrease beneficiaries’ participation in Range Management Plans. Also any negligence and timely government promises not practical, because of a lack of trust beneficiaries to government and implementers of plans and reduce of their participation. The ability and knowledge of beneficiaries in understanding of the plan goals higher, as well as problems and obstacles less and the amount of their contributions to the implementation of range management plan would be increased.
1. Abdolmaleki, M., Chizari, M & Azami, M.2006. Evaluation of educational - extension activities range management in Toyserkan city Point of View beneficiaries of rangelands. Journal of Forest and Rangeland. 275:63-71. (In Persian)
2. Abdolmaleki, M., Pezeshkirad, Gh & Chizari, M.2007. Examination of effect of short-term extension education beneficiaries in Toyserkan city. Journal Agriculture Science. 13(1):39-53. (In Persian)
3. Abedini, Kh.2001. Examination of factors social effective ranchers at range management plans Damavand area watershed basin Lar. Journal of Forest and Rangeland. 53:44-52. (In Persian)
4. Ajayi, M. 2001. Evaluation of the effectiveness of extension teaching methods used by agricultural trainees for field days. Journal of Extension Systems, 17(1): 42-50.
5. Amirneghad, H.2009.Examination of factors economic – social effective on participation beneficiaries at executing of plans of rangeland management. Journal of Natural Resource of Iran.3 (3):710-722. (In Persian)
6. Ansari,N & Samari, A.2001.Examination of Participation rate and method of utilization of rangelands at Dashli Boron area Gonbad. Proceedings of the Second National Seminar Rangeland and Range Management, Collage Natural Resource, University Tehran, and p: 64-72. (In Persian)
7. Asadi Sharifzadeh, A & Sharifi, M. 2008. Examination of ideas related to local community participation in forests development in south Iran. Journal Economic and Agriculture, 61(4):849-865. (In Persian)
8. Baghai, M. 2006. Methods participation of villagers at watershed plans. (Case Study: Watershed basin zar Cheshmeh Honjan). Thesis’s MS.C Collage of Natural Resource Tabiat Modares. 145p. (In Persian)
9. Bajban, G.H. 2007. Review on management of rangelands nomads’ society at past and present: Challenges and Solutions. Journal of Research Rangelands and Desert.14 (4): 524-538. (In Persian)
10. Fortman. L. P & Huntsinger, L. 1990. California’s privately owned oak woodlands: owner, use and management. Journal of Range Management. 43920: 147-152
11. Guy, B. 2006. People, Land and water: participatory development communication for natural resource management, Earth Scan, 313 p.
12. Haydari, Gh.2009. Examination of factors of effective on beneficiaries’ participation at execution of plans of range management Baledeh rangelands. Thesis’s Ph.D. University of Natural Resource and Agriculture Gorgan. 240p. (In Persian)
13. Haydarpour, T., Shabanali Fami, T., Asadi, A & Malekmohammadi,A. 2007. Examination of roles of members of Cooperatives forester at rehabilitation of forest resource Mazandaran Province. Journal Agriculture and Natural Resource. 15(1):86-87. (In Persian)
14. Hejazi, y & Abasi, A.2007. Examination of factors of effective on participation beneficiaries at plan of balance animal and rangelan. Journal of Economic Agriculture. 60(2):683-692. (In Persian)
15. Jalali, M & Karami, A. 2006. Determine of factors of effective on participation of beneficiaries at Cooperatives range management Kordestan Province.Journal Agriculture and Horticulture. 70:35-45. (In Persian)
16. Javanmard, M.2008. Examination of condition of participation of ranchers at preserve and rehabilitation rangelands at Rural restrict Aliabad Alashtar. Monthly scientific –extension Jahad Agriculture.27:285-286. (In Persian)
17. Kamrani, K. 2004. Effect of factors economic social at management of rangelands of Charbagh Semnan province Shahroud city. Thesis’s MS.c University of Natural Resource and Agriculture Gorgan. 240p. (In Persian)
18. Khalighi, N., Chakshi, B.2005. Examination of roles of factors economic villagers on their participation rate in execution of range management plans natural area. (watershed basin Bitjand city). Journal of Desert. 10(1): 15-32. (In Persian)
19. Khatonabadi, S. A., Amini, A.M & Mirzaali, A.2001. Factors of prevention rancher’s participation at rangelands rehabilitation Agh ghala in Golestan Province. Journal Science and Technology Agriculture and Natural Resource.5 (1):39-54. (In Persian)
20. Lyden, F. J., Twight B.W. & Tuchmann E. T. 1990. Citizen participation in long – range planning: The RPA experience. Natural Resources Journal, 30: 23-135.
21. Macleod, N. D. 1990. Issues of size and viability of pastural holding in the western division of New South Wales Auer. Journal of Rangeland. 12(2): 67-78.
22. Massarutto, A., A. De Carli. Ch. Longhi, & M. Scarpari. 2003. Public participation in river basin Management planning in Italy. HarmoniCOP project–Harmonising collaborative planning Work Package 4-Final Report. 36p.
23. Mosaii, M., Malekmohammadi, A., Farajallahhosayni, J & Mirdamadi, M.2009. Characteristics of effective on beneficiaries’ participation at watershed management plans. Proceedings of the fivth Seminar science and engineering watershed management Iran. University of Natural Resource and Agriculture Gorgan. (In Persian)
24. Sabanalifami, H., Elham, F., Fatahi, R.J., Moridassadat, P & Malekipour, R. 2010. Examination of beneficiaries’ participation at range management plans case study: range lands of Tafresh city). Journal Rangeland.4 (16)598-608. (In Persian)
25. Sabonchi, A. 2006. Factors of effective at participation rangers rural at plans of rehabilitation rangelands of Kermanshah city. 2005-2006. Thesis’s MS.C Islamic Azad University, Science and Research branch. (In Persian)
26. Sadi, H.2002.Extension System desertification- Thesis’s Ph.D. Collage economic and extension agriculture. University Tehran. (In Persian)
27. Salam, M. A., Noguchi, T& Koike, M. 2005. Factors Influencing Farmers to Sustained participation in participatory forestry: A case study in central Sal forest in Bangladesh. Journal of Ecological Economics 57(4): 709-723.
28. Shaeri, A.M. 2000. Factors of effective on participation ranchers at organization outing animal forests north. Proceedings of the first National Seminar Natural Resource, Participation and Extension: 130-161. (In Persian)
29. Shayrani, M.1997. Examination of methods ranchers’ participation at section of education range management plans in area of Saveh to 1996-1997. Thesis’s MS.C Islamic Azad University, Science and Research branch. (In Persian)
30. White, S. 2001. Public participation and organizational change in Wisconsin land use management. Journal of Land Use Policy 18: 341-350.
31. Yaghobi, J., Shamsaii, A & Khosravipour, B. 2009. Factors of effective in public participation at watershed management plans Zanjan river watershed basin. Proceedings of the Fifth Seminar Science and Engineering Watershed Management Iran. University of Natural Resource and Agriculture Gorgan. (In Persian)
1. Abdolmaleki, M., Chizari, M & Azami, M.2006. Evaluation of educational - extension activities range management in Toyserkan city Point of View beneficiaries of rangelands. Journal of Forest and Rangeland. 275:63-71. (In Persian)
2. Abdolmaleki, M., Pezeshkirad, Gh & Chizari, M.2007. Examination of effect of short-term extension education beneficiaries in Toyserkan city. Journal Agriculture Science. 13(1):39-53. (In Persian)
3. Abedini, Kh.2001. Examination of factors social effective ranchers at range management plans Damavand area watershed basin Lar. Journal of Forest and Rangeland. 53:44-52. (In Persian)
4. Ajayi, M. 2001. Evaluation of the effectiveness of extension teaching methods used by agricultural trainees for field days. Journal of Extension Systems, 17(1): 42-50.
5. Amirneghad, H.2009.Examination of factors economic – social effective on participation beneficiaries at executing of plans of rangeland management. Journal of Natural Resource of Iran.3 (3):710-722. (In Persian)
6. Ansari,N & Samari, A.2001.Examination of Participation rate and method of utilization of rangelands at Dashli Boron area Gonbad. Proceedings of the Second National Seminar Rangeland and Range Management, Collage Natural Resource, University Tehran, and p: 64-72. (In Persian)
7. Asadi Sharifzadeh, A & Sharifi, M. 2008. Examination of ideas related to local community participation in forests development in south Iran. Journal Economic and Agriculture, 61(4):849-865. (In Persian)
8. Baghai, M. 2006. Methods participation of villagers at watershed plans. (Case Study: Watershed basin zar Cheshmeh Honjan). Thesis’s MS.C Collage of Natural Resource Tabiat Modares. 145p. (In Persian)
9. Bajban, G.H. 2007. Review on management of rangelands nomads’ society at past and present: Challenges and Solutions. Journal of Research Rangelands and Desert.14 (4): 524-538. (In Persian)
10. Fortman. L. P & Huntsinger, L. 1990. California’s privately owned oak woodlands: owner, use and management. Journal of Range Management. 43920: 147-152
11. Guy, B. 2006. People, Land and water: participatory development communication for natural resource management, Earth Scan, 313 p.
12. Haydari, Gh.2009. Examination of factors of effective on beneficiaries’ participation at execution of plans of range management Baledeh rangelands. Thesis’s Ph.D. University of Natural Resource and Agriculture Gorgan. 240p. (In Persian)
13. Haydarpour, T., Shabanali Fami, T., Asadi, A & Malekmohammadi,A. 2007. Examination of roles of members of Cooperatives forester at rehabilitation of forest resource Mazandaran Province. Journal Agriculture and Natural Resource. 15(1):86-87. (In Persian)
14. Hejazi, y & Abasi, A.2007. Examination of factors of effective on participation beneficiaries at plan of balance animal and rangelan. Journal of Economic Agriculture. 60(2):683-692. (In Persian)
15. Jalali, M & Karami, A. 2006. Determine of factors of effective on participation of beneficiaries at Cooperatives range management Kordestan Province.Journal Agriculture and Horticulture. 70:35-45. (In Persian)
16. Javanmard, M.2008. Examination of condition of participation of ranchers at preserve and rehabilitation rangelands at Rural restrict Aliabad Alashtar. Monthly scientific –extension Jahad Agriculture.27:285-286. (In Persian)
17. Kamrani, K. 2004. Effect of factors economic social at management of rangelands of Charbagh Semnan province Shahroud city. Thesis’s MS.c University of Natural Resource and Agriculture Gorgan. 240p. (In Persian)
18. Khalighi, N., Chakshi, B.2005. Examination of roles of factors economic villagers on their participation rate in execution of range management plans natural area. (watershed basin Bitjand city). Journal of Desert. 10(1): 15-32. (In Persian)
19. Khatonabadi, S. A., Amini, A.M & Mirzaali, A.2001. Factors of prevention rancher’s participation at rangelands rehabilitation Agh ghala in Golestan Province. Journal Science and Technology Agriculture and Natural Resource.5 (1):39-54. (In Persian)
20. Lyden, F. J., Twight B.W. & Tuchmann E. T. 1990. Citizen participation in long – range planning: The RPA experience. Natural Resources Journal, 30: 23-135.
21. Macleod, N. D. 1990. Issues of size and viability of pastural holding in the western division of New South Wales Auer. Journal of Rangeland. 12(2): 67-78.
22. Massarutto, A., A. De Carli. Ch. Longhi, & M. Scarpari. 2003. Public participation in river basin Management planning in Italy. HarmoniCOP project–Harmonising collaborative planning Work Package 4-Final Report. 36p.
23. Mosaii, M., Malekmohammadi, A., Farajallahhosayni, J & Mirdamadi, M.2009. Characteristics of effective on beneficiaries’ participation at watershed management plans. Proceedings of the fivth Seminar science and engineering watershed management Iran. University of Natural Resource and Agriculture Gorgan. (In Persian)
24. Sabanalifami, H., Elham, F., Fatahi, R.J., Moridassadat, P & Malekipour, R. 2010. Examination of beneficiaries’ participation at range management plans case study: range lands of Tafresh city). Journal Rangeland.4 (16)598-608. (In Persian)
25. Sabonchi, A. 2006. Factors of effective at participation rangers rural at plans of rehabilitation rangelands of Kermanshah city. 2005-2006. Thesis’s MS.C Islamic Azad University, Science and Research branch. (In Persian)
26. Sadi, H.2002.Extension System desertification- Thesis’s Ph.D. Collage economic and extension agriculture. University Tehran. (In Persian)
27. Salam, M. A., Noguchi, T& Koike, M. 2005. Factors Influencing Farmers to Sustained participation in participatory forestry: A case study in central Sal forest in Bangladesh. Journal of Ecological Economics 57(4): 709-723.
28. Shaeri, A.M. 2000. Factors of effective on participation ranchers at organization outing animal forests north. Proceedings of the first National Seminar Natural Resource, Participation and Extension: 130-161. (In Persian)
29. Shayrani, M.1997. Examination of methods ranchers’ participation at section of education range management plans in area of Saveh to 1996-1997. Thesis’s MS.C Islamic Azad University, Science and Research branch. (In Persian)
30. White, S. 2001. Public participation and organizational change in Wisconsin land use management. Journal of Land Use Policy 18: 341-350.
31. Yaghobi, J., Shamsaii, A & Khosravipour, B. 2009. Factors of effective in public participation at watershed management plans Zanjan river watershed basin. Proceedings of the Fifth Seminar Science and Engineering Watershed Management Iran. University of Natural Resource and Agriculture Gorgan. (In Persian)