Trend Changes Analysis of the Water Quality in the Talar River Watershed Using the Man-Kendall (MK) Test
Subject Areas : WATER RESOURCESzahra sohrabizadeh 1 * , Ehsan Sharifi Moghadam 2 , Mohammad Ali Hakimzadeh 3
1 - Ph.D. candidate at Desertification, University of Yazd, Iran
2 - Ph.D. candidate at Watershed Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Faculty of Natural Resources and Marine Sciences, Noor, Iran
3 - Faculty of Natural Resources and Desert Study, University of Yazd ,Iran
Keywords: Water Quality, Talar River, TDS, Man-Kendall,
Abstract :
One of the most important subjects in hydrology science is the water quality of the rivers, because of major hydrology activities for water supply in agriculture, drinking and, industry. The water quality index is one of the most widely used indicators for the classification of surface water quality. Therefore, the present study has been the analysis of long-term changes in the Talar Watershed using indicators of Na, SO4, and TDS and also the trend of these indices using non-parametric Man-Kendall test. Three stations with statistics were selected at the Talar watershed during the period from 1348 to 1392 and applied the Man-Kendall test on their annual and seasonal data. The results of this study indicate a significant uptrend in annual and seasonal Na and TDS amounts, but the SO4 trend has been a significant uptrend only in the annual and the spring data and in other seasons it has been non-significant uptrend at a 95% confidence level. The quality of water samples according to the Schoeller diagram is optimal for Na and SO4 indices and to the extent permitted for the TDS index.The cause of water pollution in the Talar river and the additive and the upward trend of these indicators may be due to increased human intervention and agricultural around the river, as well as the entry of domestic and industrial wastewater to the river which will make the river ecosystem be at risk and destroyed.
1- Alizadeh. A. 2009. Principles of Applied Hydrology. Astan Quds Razavi Publishing, twenty seventhEdition, 870pp.
2- Azizi, Gh. and Roshani, M. (2008). Using Mann-Kendall Test to Recognize of Climate Change in Caspian Sea Southern Coasts. Journal of Geographical Research 64: 13-28.
3- Bahar, M. M., Hiroo, O., and Masumi, Y. (2008). “Relationship between river water quality and land use in a small river basin running through the urbanizing area of central Japan.” J. Limnology, 9(1), 19-26.
4- Banejad, H. Abdolsalehi, S.A. Zare, H. 2009. Study of Qualitative and quantitative of GhezelOzan river water (Zanjan province), the ability to deposit formation and corrosion and provide strategies for use the agricultural sector. Eleventh National Congress of Corrosion, University of ShahidBahonar Kerman.1417- 1438.
5- Bayati Khatibi,M. Shahbazi M., Heydari M.A. 2014. Speculations and Analysis on the Changes in Water Quality of Ahar River and its Impacts on Human Health. Hydrogeology Journal. 1(1): 93-409.
6- Bihrat O. and Mehmetcik B. 2003. The power of statistical tests for trend detection. Turkish journal engineering science 27: 247-251.
7- Bu, H. Tan, X. Li, S. Zhang, Q. 2010. Temporal and spatial variations of water quality in the Jinshui River of the South Qinling Mts., China. Journal of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 73(5): 907–913.
8- Claudia, Libiseller.(2002).A Program for the Computation of Multivariate and Partial Mann-Kendall Test, Can be downloaded from.
9- Damian, A. Magdalena, M. 2007. Changes in water quality and runoff in the Upper Oder River Basin. Journal of Geomorphology. 92(3-4): 106–118.
10- Gholamalifard, M., Zare Maivan, H., Joorabian Shooshtari, S., and Mirzaei, M. (2012). “Monitoring land cover changes of forests and coastal areas of northern Iran (1988-2010): A remote sensing approach.” J.Persian Gulf, 3(10), 47-56.
11- Goossens C, Berger A. (1986), Annual and seasonal climatic variations over the Northern Hemisphere and Europe during the century. Annales Geophysicae 4: pp 385-399.
12- Joghatayi, Hojatallah; Dabiri, Rahim; Moslempour, Mohamad Elyas; Otari, Majid; Sharifiyan Attar, Reza. 2016. Groundwater quality assessment using the Groundwater Quality Index and GIS in Joghatay plain, NE Iran. Human and Environmental Sciences. 35: 17-25.
13- Joudi, A, and sattari, M. (2016). Performance evaluation of different estimation methods for missing rainfall data. researches in Geographical Sciences. 16(42): 155-176.
14- Karbassi, Abdolreza and Shahbazi, Afsaneh. 2007. Investigation of water quality in Gilan Province rivers using multivariate statistical techniques. First Environmental Engineering Conference. 10 pp.
15- Kavian, A. Eslamiparikhani H. and habibnejad M. 2016. Spatial variability of water quality in the Haraz River toward downstream. Iran-Watershed Management Science & Engineering. 10(32): 77-82.
16- Khara, H. Mazlomi, Sh.A. Nezami, A. Akbarzadeh, S. Gholipour, M. 2011. Water quality of Oshmak River (Guilan Province). Journal of Fisheries, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr Branch. 5(3): 4154.
17- Liu W. C. Yu H. L. and Chung C. E. 2011. Assessment of Water Quality in a Subtropical Alpine Lake Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques and Geostatistical Mapping: A Case Study. Journal International journal of environmental research and public health. 8:1126-1140.
18- Maleki, A, Daraee, H. Amini H and Bahmani P. 2013. Evaluation of chemical quality of drinking water in villages of Divandareh city with emphasis on nitrate concentration. Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. 19: 57-67.
19- Meshkani, Mohammad Reza, 2015. Analysis of time series: prediction and control (translation), Sharif University of Technology publication.
20- Mirzayi, mohsen; Riyahi Bakhtiyari, Alireza ; Salman Mahini, Abdolrasool; Gholamali Fard, Mehdi. 2016. Modeling Relationships between Surface Water Quality and Landscape Metrics Using the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System, A Case Study in Mazandaran Province. Journal of Water and Wastewater. 27(1): 81-91.
21- Mohammadi, M. (2015). Evaluation of the effects of land use change on quantity and quality of Talar river water by using remote sensing and hydrologic modeling. Master's thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Sari, p. 116.
22- Mohammadi, M., Kavian, A., Gholami, L. (2017). Simulation of Discharge and Nitrate in Tallar Basin using SWAT Model. Journal of Watershed Management Research. 8(15),45-60.
23- Nakane, K., and Haidary, A. (2009). “Sensitivity analysis of stream water quality and land coverlinkage models using monte Carlo method.” J. Environmental Research and Public Health, 4(1),121-130.
24- Ramazani, M., Amirnezhad, R., Asgharnia Emani, H. 2013. Qualification Zoning of the Talar River River according to NSFWQI index by GIS. Journal of wetland ecobiology. 4(14): 31-43.
25- Rosu cristina, pistea Ioana, Roba Carmen, Ozunu A. 2013. Water quality index for assessment of drinking water sourses from medias town, Sibiu country. Babe ş Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Engineering. Pp24-31.
26- Sadough S.H. and Azadi F. 2015. Effect of Season and EcoMorphological Factors on Water Quality in Alshatr River. Geography Quarterly Journal. 45: 113-93.
27- Safavi H, Ahmadi A, Rahmat Nia, M. 2015. Qualitative zoning of rivers using a combination of principal components analysis and fuzzy classification analysis. Journal of Water and Wastewater. 25: 21-31.
28- Salajegeh, A., Khorasani, N., Hamidifar, M., and Salajegeh, S. (2010). “Landcover change and this impacts on water quality.” J. Environmental Studies, 37 (58), 81-86. (In Persian).
29- Singh K. P. Malik A. Mohan D. and Sinha S. 2004. Multivariate statistical techniques for the evaluation of spatial and temporal variations in water qualityof Gomti River (India)- a case study. Journal Water Research. 38:3980-3992.
30- Tong, S. T., and Chen, W. (2002). “Modeling the relationship between land use and surface water quality.” J. Environmental Management, 66(4), 377-393.
31- Yamani, M and Hosseinzadeh, M.M., 2002. Investigating changes in pattern the Talar River in the coastal plain of the Mazandaran Sea, Geographical Research, 43: 109-122.
32- Yang L. Linyu X. and Shun L. 2009. Water Quality Analysis of the Songhua River Basin Using Multivariate Techniques. Journal Water Resource and Protection. 2:110-121.
33- Yerel S. 2010. Water Quality Assessment of Porsuk River, Turkey. Journal E-Journal of chemistry. 7(2):593-599.
34- Yousefzadeh A, Shams Khoram Abadi, gh, Gudini H and Yousefzadeh A. 2014. Assessing the water quality of Khorram River in Khorramabad based on Wilcox quality index and zoning the results using Geographic Information System (GIS).Hoosan Bimonthly. 1(1): 20-12.
35- Zahedi, M., SariSaraf, B and Jameei, J. 2006. Rain modeling in Tabriz and Oroumiyeh stations. Journal of Geography and Regional development. 7: 1-16.
_||_1- Alizadeh. A. 2009. Principles of Applied Hydrology. Astan Quds Razavi Publishing, twenty seventhEdition, 870pp.
2- Azizi, Gh. and Roshani, M. (2008). Using Mann-Kendall Test to Recognize of Climate Change in Caspian Sea Southern Coasts. Journal of Geographical Research 64: 13-28.
3- Bahar, M. M., Hiroo, O., and Masumi, Y. (2008). “Relationship between river water quality and land use in a small river basin running through the urbanizing area of central Japan.” J. Limnology, 9(1), 19-26.
4- Banejad, H. Abdolsalehi, S.A. Zare, H. 2009. Study of Qualitative and quantitative of GhezelOzan river water (Zanjan province), the ability to deposit formation and corrosion and provide strategies for use the agricultural sector. Eleventh National Congress of Corrosion, University of ShahidBahonar Kerman.1417- 1438.
5- Bayati Khatibi,M. Shahbazi M., Heydari M.A. 2014. Speculations and Analysis on the Changes in Water Quality of Ahar River and its Impacts on Human Health. Hydrogeology Journal. 1(1): 93-409.
6- Bihrat O. and Mehmetcik B. 2003. The power of statistical tests for trend detection. Turkish journal engineering science 27: 247-251.
7- Bu, H. Tan, X. Li, S. Zhang, Q. 2010. Temporal and spatial variations of water quality in the Jinshui River of the South Qinling Mts., China. Journal of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 73(5): 907–913.
8- Claudia, Libiseller.(2002).A Program for the Computation of Multivariate and Partial Mann-Kendall Test, Can be downloaded from.
9- Damian, A. Magdalena, M. 2007. Changes in water quality and runoff in the Upper Oder River Basin. Journal of Geomorphology. 92(3-4): 106–118.
10- Gholamalifard, M., Zare Maivan, H., Joorabian Shooshtari, S., and Mirzaei, M. (2012). “Monitoring land cover changes of forests and coastal areas of northern Iran (1988-2010): A remote sensing approach.” J.Persian Gulf, 3(10), 47-56.
11- Goossens C, Berger A. (1986), Annual and seasonal climatic variations over the Northern Hemisphere and Europe during the century. Annales Geophysicae 4: pp 385-399.
12- Joghatayi, Hojatallah; Dabiri, Rahim; Moslempour, Mohamad Elyas; Otari, Majid; Sharifiyan Attar, Reza. 2016. Groundwater quality assessment using the Groundwater Quality Index and GIS in Joghatay plain, NE Iran. Human and Environmental Sciences. 35: 17-25.
13- Joudi, A, and sattari, M. (2016). Performance evaluation of different estimation methods for missing rainfall data. researches in Geographical Sciences. 16(42): 155-176.
14- Karbassi, Abdolreza and Shahbazi, Afsaneh. 2007. Investigation of water quality in Gilan Province rivers using multivariate statistical techniques. First Environmental Engineering Conference. 10 pp.
15- Kavian, A. Eslamiparikhani H. and habibnejad M. 2016. Spatial variability of water quality in the Haraz River toward downstream. Iran-Watershed Management Science & Engineering. 10(32): 77-82.
16- Khara, H. Mazlomi, Sh.A. Nezami, A. Akbarzadeh, S. Gholipour, M. 2011. Water quality of Oshmak River (Guilan Province). Journal of Fisheries, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr Branch. 5(3): 4154.
17- Liu W. C. Yu H. L. and Chung C. E. 2011. Assessment of Water Quality in a Subtropical Alpine Lake Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques and Geostatistical Mapping: A Case Study. Journal International journal of environmental research and public health. 8:1126-1140.
18- Maleki, A, Daraee, H. Amini H and Bahmani P. 2013. Evaluation of chemical quality of drinking water in villages of Divandareh city with emphasis on nitrate concentration. Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. 19: 57-67.
19- Meshkani, Mohammad Reza, 2015. Analysis of time series: prediction and control (translation), Sharif University of Technology publication.
20- Mirzayi, mohsen; Riyahi Bakhtiyari, Alireza ; Salman Mahini, Abdolrasool; Gholamali Fard, Mehdi. 2016. Modeling Relationships between Surface Water Quality and Landscape Metrics Using the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System, A Case Study in Mazandaran Province. Journal of Water and Wastewater. 27(1): 81-91.
21- Mohammadi, M. (2015). Evaluation of the effects of land use change on quantity and quality of Talar river water by using remote sensing and hydrologic modeling. Master's thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Sari, p. 116.
22- Mohammadi, M., Kavian, A., Gholami, L. (2017). Simulation of Discharge and Nitrate in Tallar Basin using SWAT Model. Journal of Watershed Management Research. 8(15),45-60.
23- Nakane, K., and Haidary, A. (2009). “Sensitivity analysis of stream water quality and land coverlinkage models using monte Carlo method.” J. Environmental Research and Public Health, 4(1),121-130.
24- Ramazani, M., Amirnezhad, R., Asgharnia Emani, H. 2013. Qualification Zoning of the Talar River River according to NSFWQI index by GIS. Journal of wetland ecobiology. 4(14): 31-43.
25- Rosu cristina, pistea Ioana, Roba Carmen, Ozunu A. 2013. Water quality index for assessment of drinking water sourses from medias town, Sibiu country. Babe ş Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Engineering. Pp24-31.
26- Sadough S.H. and Azadi F. 2015. Effect of Season and EcoMorphological Factors on Water Quality in Alshatr River. Geography Quarterly Journal. 45: 113-93.
27- Safavi H, Ahmadi A, Rahmat Nia, M. 2015. Qualitative zoning of rivers using a combination of principal components analysis and fuzzy classification analysis. Journal of Water and Wastewater. 25: 21-31.
28- Salajegeh, A., Khorasani, N., Hamidifar, M., and Salajegeh, S. (2010). “Landcover change and this impacts on water quality.” J. Environmental Studies, 37 (58), 81-86. (In Persian).
29- Singh K. P. Malik A. Mohan D. and Sinha S. 2004. Multivariate statistical techniques for the evaluation of spatial and temporal variations in water qualityof Gomti River (India)- a case study. Journal Water Research. 38:3980-3992.
30- Tong, S. T., and Chen, W. (2002). “Modeling the relationship between land use and surface water quality.” J. Environmental Management, 66(4), 377-393.
31- Yamani, M and Hosseinzadeh, M.M., 2002. Investigating changes in pattern the Talar River in the coastal plain of the Mazandaran Sea, Geographical Research, 43: 109-122.
32- Yang L. Linyu X. and Shun L. 2009. Water Quality Analysis of the Songhua River Basin Using Multivariate Techniques. Journal Water Resource and Protection. 2:110-121.
33- Yerel S. 2010. Water Quality Assessment of Porsuk River, Turkey. Journal E-Journal of chemistry. 7(2):593-599.
34- Yousefzadeh A, Shams Khoram Abadi, gh, Gudini H and Yousefzadeh A. 2014. Assessing the water quality of Khorram River in Khorramabad based on Wilcox quality index and zoning the results using Geographic Information System (GIS).Hoosan Bimonthly. 1(1): 20-12.
35- Zahedi, M., SariSaraf, B and Jameei, J. 2006. Rain modeling in Tabriz and Oroumiyeh stations. Journal of Geography and Regional development. 7: 1-16.