Flora life form and chorology of Plants in Dezli area, Kurdistan Province, Iran
Subject Areas : flor
Reza Omidipour
Aydin Faraji
Mohabat Nadaf
1 - Member of Young Researchers and Elite Club, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran
2 - Graduated M.Sc. Student of Rangeland Management, Department of Rangeland and Watershed Management, Kurdestan University, Kurdestan , Iran
3 - Department of Biology, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Canopy cover, Plant diversity, Asteraceae, Hemicryptophyte,
Abstract :
The study of the flora of each region important in the management and development of natural resources and the list of plants represents of vegetation cover and environment condition. The present study was carried out in Dezli region in Sarvabad county of Kurdistan province with a total area of 12493.97 ha and mean annual precipitation (30 years) of this area was 804 mm. In order to introduce the flora of the area, field survey was used and plant species were collected and identified based on available Flora Life form and chorology of plant species were also determined. The results showed 113 species in 90 genera and 31 species in the region. The most important families were, Asteraceae (18 species and 17 genera), Poaceae (19 species and 15 genera) and Apiaceae (10 species and 9 genera). Life forms of plant species included, hemicritophytosis 47%, tetrophytes 30%, cryptophytes 12%, chamaephytes 7% and phanerophytes 4%. The high percentage of hemicritopathitis species indicated that the area had Cold mountainous area. The highest. Proportion of chorotypes belonged to Irano-touranian elements (67%). Also, 13% of the species had a European-Siberian pattern, as well as Mediterranean, 5% cosmopolitan were 12% and 5%, respectively, and 3% was endemic species of Iran.
1.Abrari Vajari, K., G.Veiskarami, 2005. Floristic study of Hashtad-Pahlu region in Khorramabad (Lorestan). Pajouhesh and Sazandegi 18: 58-64 (in Persian).
2.Ahmadi, F., F. Mansory, H. Maroofi, K. Karimi, 2013. Study of flora, life form and chorotypes of the forest area of West Kurdistan (Iran). Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences 2 (9): 11-18
3.Aref Tabad, M., N.Jalilian, H.Maroofi, 2017. Study of flora, life form and chorology of plant Species in Zarivar Region of Marivan, Kurdistan. Taxonomy and Biosystematics, (20). 69-109
4.Archibold, O. W., 1995. Ecology of World Vegetation. Chapman and Hall, Inc., London.
5.Assadi, M. (Ed.) 1989-2015. Flora of Iran. Vols. 1-76. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran (in Persian).
6.Azarnivand, Z., 2010. Ecology of Rangeland, Tehran University Press, 345 p. (In Persian).
7.Dehshiri, M.M., H. R. Mirdavoodi, P. Rahmati , 2016.Floristic study of Shahbaz Mountain, Markazi province. Iranian Journal of Plant Biology, 8th Year, No. 27
8.Dinarvand, M., H. Ejtehadi, M. Jankju & B.Andarzian, 2015. Study of floristics, life form and chorology of plants in Shimbar protected area (Khuzestan province). Iranian Journal of Plant Biology 23(7): 1-14 (in Persian).
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15.Hassani, S. M., H. Yazdanshenas., K. Nazarpoorfard, R. Bassiri & J.PurRezaee, 2014. Study of physiognomy and origin of plant species in Sarshiv area of Marivan, Iran. Journal of Rangeland Science 4: 270-276.
16.Kazemian, A., F.Caghfi khadem, M. Asadi & M.Ghorbanli, 2003.Golestan Stratigraphy Study and Determination of Biological Characters and Geographical Distribution of Plants of the Region. Journal of Research and Development in Natural Resources. N. 64
17.Nadaf, M., H.Ejtehadi, M. Mesdaghi & M. Farzam, 2017. Flora, life form and chorology of plants in Jozak-chaminbid area, north khorassan province, Iran. Itanian Journal of plant Biology 9 year. No. 32
18.Naghipour Borj, A. A., M. Haidarian, & H. Tavakoli, 2010. Flora, life forms and chorotypes of plants in the Sisab Area (North Khorassan Province). Journal of Science and Techniques in Natural Resources 4(5): 113-123 (in Persian).
19.Norouzi, M. 2006. Determination of rare species in Esfehan and introduction to their conservation. Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center of Esfahan. (In Persian).
20.Pairanj, J., A. Ebrahimi, F. Tarnain & M.Hassanzadeh, 2011. Investigation on the geographical distribution and life form of plant species in sub Alpine Zone Karsank Region, Shahrekord. Taxonomy and Biosystematics 7(3): 1-10 (in Persian).
21.Pourbabaei, H., Zandi Navgaran, Sh., Adel, M. N. 2012. Spatial pattern of three Oak species in Chenare forest of Marivan, Kordestan. Iranian Journal of Natural Resources 65 (3): 329-339 (in Persian).
22.Raunkiaer, C., 1934. The life forms of plants and statistical plant geography. Larendon, Oxford.
23.Rechinger, K. H., (Ed.) 1965-1998. Flora Iranica. Vols. 1-178. Akademische Druck-U Verlagsanstalt, Graz.
24.Salehzadeh, O., Es’haghi J. Rad & H. Maroofi 2016. The effect of anthropogenic disturbance on flora and plant diversity in Oak forests of west (Baneh city). Forest Research and Development, Vol. 2, No. 3
25.Sanandaji, S., & V. Mozaffarian, 2010. Studies of flora in Saral area: Kurdistan, Iran. Taxonomy and Biosystematics 2 (4): 59-84 (in Persian)
26.Sharifi, J., A. Jalili, S. Gasimov, A. Naqinezhad & F. Azimi Motem, 2012. Study on floristic, life form and plant chorology of wetlands in northern and eastern slopes of Sabalan mountains. Taxonomy and Biosystematics 4(10): 41-52 (in Persian).
27.Sokhanvar, F., H. Ejtehadi, J. Vaezi, F. Memariani, M. R. Joharchi & Z. Ranjbar, 2013. Flora, life form and chorology of plants of the Helali Protected Area in Khorasan-e Razavi province. Taxonomy and Biosystematics 5(16): 85-100 (in Persian).
28.Taghipour, S., M. Hassanzadeh & S.Hosseini, 2011. Introduction of the flora, life form and chorology of the Alla region and Rudzard in Khuzestan province. Taxonomy and Biosystematics 9(3): 15-30 (in Persian).
29.Townsend, C. C., E. (Eds.). Guest, 1966-1985. Flora of Iraq. vols. 1-9. Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, Baghdad.
30.Yousefi, M., 2009. Flora of Iran. Payame Noor University Publication, Tehran (in Persian).
31. Zohary, M. C. & C. Heyn, 1980-1993; Vols 1-8, Conspectus Florae Orientalis, An Annotated Catalogue of the Flora of the Middle East, Jerusqlem, Academy of sciences and Humanities.
1.Abrari Vajari, K., G.Veiskarami, 2005. Floristic study of Hashtad-Pahlu region in Khorramabad (Lorestan). Pajouhesh and Sazandegi 18: 58-64 (in Persian).
2.Ahmadi, F., F. Mansory, H. Maroofi, K. Karimi, 2013. Study of flora, life form and chorotypes of the forest area of West Kurdistan (Iran). Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences 2 (9): 11-18
3.Aref Tabad, M., N.Jalilian, H.Maroofi, 2017. Study of flora, life form and chorology of plant Species in Zarivar Region of Marivan, Kurdistan. Taxonomy and Biosystematics, (20). 69-109
4.Archibold, O. W., 1995. Ecology of World Vegetation. Chapman and Hall, Inc., London.
5.Assadi, M. (Ed.) 1989-2015. Flora of Iran. Vols. 1-76. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran (in Persian).
6.Azarnivand, Z., 2010. Ecology of Rangeland, Tehran University Press, 345 p. (In Persian).
7.Dehshiri, M.M., H. R. Mirdavoodi, P. Rahmati , 2016.Floristic study of Shahbaz Mountain, Markazi province. Iranian Journal of Plant Biology, 8th Year, No. 27
8.Dinarvand, M., H. Ejtehadi, M. Jankju & B.Andarzian, 2015. Study of floristics, life form and chorology of plants in Shimbar protected area (Khuzestan province). Iranian Journal of Plant Biology 23(7): 1-14 (in Persian).
9.Dolatkhahi, M., Y. Asri, A. Dolatkhahi, 2011. Investigation floristics in the protected region Arjan-Parishan in the Fars province. Taxonomy and Biosystematics 9(3): 31-46 (in Persian).
10.Dolatkhahi, M., M.Yousofi, Y. Asri, 2010. Froristic studies of parishan wetland and its surroundings in fars province. Iran biology magazine. N.1
11.Ejtehadi, H., A. Sepehri, H. Akafi, 2009. Methods of measuring biodiversity. Ferdowsi Mashhad University, Mashhad (in Persian).
12.Ghahreman, A. ,1978-2013. Flore de lʼIran en couleurs naturalles. Vols. 1-25. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran (in Persian, French and English).
13.Ghahremaninejad, F., S.Agheli, 2009. Floristic study of Kiasar National Park, Iran. Taxonomy and Biosystematics 1: 47-62 (in Persian).
14.Gurgin Karaji, M., P.Karami & H. Marofii, 2014. Introduction to the flora, life forms and chorology of Saral of Kurdistan (Case study sub catchment Farhadabad). Journal of Plant Research (Iranian Journal of Biology). No. 4
15.Hassani, S. M., H. Yazdanshenas., K. Nazarpoorfard, R. Bassiri & J.PurRezaee, 2014. Study of physiognomy and origin of plant species in Sarshiv area of Marivan, Iran. Journal of Rangeland Science 4: 270-276.
16.Kazemian, A., F.Caghfi khadem, M. Asadi & M.Ghorbanli, 2003.Golestan Stratigraphy Study and Determination of Biological Characters and Geographical Distribution of Plants of the Region. Journal of Research and Development in Natural Resources. N. 64
17.Nadaf, M., H.Ejtehadi, M. Mesdaghi & M. Farzam, 2017. Flora, life form and chorology of plants in Jozak-chaminbid area, north khorassan province, Iran. Itanian Journal of plant Biology 9 year. No. 32
18.Naghipour Borj, A. A., M. Haidarian, & H. Tavakoli, 2010. Flora, life forms and chorotypes of plants in the Sisab Area (North Khorassan Province). Journal of Science and Techniques in Natural Resources 4(5): 113-123 (in Persian).
19.Norouzi, M. 2006. Determination of rare species in Esfehan and introduction to their conservation. Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center of Esfahan. (In Persian).
20.Pairanj, J., A. Ebrahimi, F. Tarnain & M.Hassanzadeh, 2011. Investigation on the geographical distribution and life form of plant species in sub Alpine Zone Karsank Region, Shahrekord. Taxonomy and Biosystematics 7(3): 1-10 (in Persian).
21.Pourbabaei, H., Zandi Navgaran, Sh., Adel, M. N. 2012. Spatial pattern of three Oak species in Chenare forest of Marivan, Kordestan. Iranian Journal of Natural Resources 65 (3): 329-339 (in Persian).
22.Raunkiaer, C., 1934. The life forms of plants and statistical plant geography. Larendon, Oxford.
23.Rechinger, K. H., (Ed.) 1965-1998. Flora Iranica. Vols. 1-178. Akademische Druck-U Verlagsanstalt, Graz.
24.Salehzadeh, O., Es’haghi J. Rad & H. Maroofi 2016. The effect of anthropogenic disturbance on flora and plant diversity in Oak forests of west (Baneh city). Forest Research and Development, Vol. 2, No. 3
25.Sanandaji, S., & V. Mozaffarian, 2010. Studies of flora in Saral area: Kurdistan, Iran. Taxonomy and Biosystematics 2 (4): 59-84 (in Persian)
26.Sharifi, J., A. Jalili, S. Gasimov, A. Naqinezhad & F. Azimi Motem, 2012. Study on floristic, life form and plant chorology of wetlands in northern and eastern slopes of Sabalan mountains. Taxonomy and Biosystematics 4(10): 41-52 (in Persian).
27.Sokhanvar, F., H. Ejtehadi, J. Vaezi, F. Memariani, M. R. Joharchi & Z. Ranjbar, 2013. Flora, life form and chorology of plants of the Helali Protected Area in Khorasan-e Razavi province. Taxonomy and Biosystematics 5(16): 85-100 (in Persian).
28.Taghipour, S., M. Hassanzadeh & S.Hosseini, 2011. Introduction of the flora, life form and chorology of the Alla region and Rudzard in Khuzestan province. Taxonomy and Biosystematics 9(3): 15-30 (in Persian).
29.Townsend, C. C., E. (Eds.). Guest, 1966-1985. Flora of Iraq. vols. 1-9. Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, Baghdad.
30.Yousefi, M., 2009. Flora of Iran. Payame Noor University Publication, Tehran (in Persian).
31. Zohary, M. C. & C. Heyn, 1980-1993; Vols 1-8, Conspectus Florae Orientalis, An Annotated Catalogue of the Flora of the Middle East, Jerusqlem, Academy of sciences and Humanities.