Managing Buying Strategies in the Crypto currency Market; Comparing Fundamental and Technical Analysis
Fereydoon Ghasemi
Faculty of Public Sector Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University , Tehran, Iran
Milad Estelami
Keywords: Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Cryptocurrency Market, Investment Strategy, Return,
Abstract :
Due to the acceptance of cryptocurrencies among the general public, the use of cryptocurrencies as a common currency at all levels of the world economy, and the expansion of the blockchain-based digital world, the importance of investing in the cryptocurrency market is increasing day by day and consequently, the need to be aware of appropriate price analysis methods to make rational and profitable decisions in this volatile market and avoid emotional behavior is increasing.In the present study, the researcher seeks to introduce the best investment method among the two specialized methods in the capital market, namely the fundamental analysis method and technical analysis. This research is applied research in terms of purpose and a descriptive comparative method with a post-event approach, focusing on historical data and paying attention to past information. The statistical population of this study is all the crypto currencies available in the exchanges related to this market that are listed on the reference site, coin Market Cap and a judgmental method has been used to calculate the statistical sample. The sample size includes the top six cryptocurrencies based on market value four widely used fundamental analysis indicators and four popular technical analysis indicators used in their study.The results confirm the researcher's hypothesis that, over a two-month period, the rate of return obtained from the technical analysis method was much higher than that obtained from the fundamental analysis.
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