Examining the Role of Justice in the Organizational Competence of the Country's Municipalities
Mostafa Ghasemi
1. PhD Student, Department of Public Administration, Ghaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran
Seyyed Ahmad Jafari Kelarijani
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Ghaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran
Seyedeh Shayesteh Varedi
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Ghaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran
Asadollah Mehrara
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Ghaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran
Keywords: Organizational Competence, Fairness, Trust Building, Comparative Comparison. ,
Abstract :
The present study aims to examine the role of justice in the organizational competence of the country's municipalities. The research is applied in terms of its objective and descriptive-exploratory in terms of data collection, and the method of gathering research information is of a mixed type (qualitative-quantitative). We collected data in the qualitative section through semi-structured interviews. Considering the limitations and conditions, the qualitative section's statistical population includes 17 elites, experts, and senior managers of municipalities, who were purposefully selected using the snowball sampling method. In the quantitative section, the statistical population of this research consists of all official administrative employees in the municipalities of Gorgan, Sari, and Rasht, from which 384 individuals were randomly selected as a sample based on the Cochran formula. To collect data, the researcher-developed interview and questionnaire tools were used based on the results of the interview and content analysis. The validity of the questionnaire was assessed using the face validity method, and its content validity was evaluated with the CVR index. In contrast, the construct validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed using the Cronbach's alpha test. To analyze the data, the codes and variables were first identified using the coding technique and the MAXQDA software, and then the structural equation modeling was applied using the SmartPLS software. The research results showed that, according to the criteria of organizational competence, the highest weight in the criteria of fairness was achieved by the criterion of resilience, and the highest weight in the criteria of trust-building was achieved by the criterion of self-control. Based on the findings of this article, competence from the perspective of experts is defined by the establishment of justice.
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