A Reflection on the Gap Between the Current and Desirable State of a Successful Brand in a Technical and Vocational University
Subject Areas : Business Management
Arsalan Nami
Shahnaz Nayebzadeh
Seyyed Hassan Hatami-nasab
Mohammad Taghi Honari
1 - PhD Student, Department of Management, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Management, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
Keywords: brand, Higher Education, Successful Brand, Technical and Vocational University,
Abstract :
This article has analyzed the gap between the current and desired status of the successful brand in higher education. The statistical population of this research was formed by the experts of Technical and Vocational University in Iran. 17 of these people were selected as a sample using the purposeful sampling method. In order to collect data, a questionnaire was used and the validity and reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed. Paired t-test was used to analyze the gap between the current and desired status of research components in higher education. Therefore, through theoretical literature review, 103 components were identified regarding the successful brand in higher education. Finally, based on the opinion of the experts, among the identified components, 47 criteria were identified as successful brand criteria in higher education, and these criteria are included in 7 general indicators, including university image, cost and financial matters, university services and facilities, advertising and extracurricular communications. , technology and development, planning and educational success and the location of the university were classified. The findings also showed that there is a significant difference between the current and desired status of all the main components and categories of research in technical and vocational university.
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Dao, M. T. N., & Thorpe, A. (2015). What factors influence Vietnamese students’ choice of university? International Journal of Educational Management.
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Hussain, I., Mu, S., Mohiuddin, M., Danish, R. Q., & Sair, S. A. (2020). Effects of sustainable brand equity and marketing innovation on market performance in hospitality industry: mediating effects of sustainable competitive advantage Sustainability, 12(7), 29-39.
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Kohyari Haghighat, A., Kohyari Haghighat, K., & Mohammadi Hoseini, S. A. (2019). Marketing innovation and brand performance of superior pharmaceutical companies in 2017: a descriptive study. JRUMS 18(9), 909-920. (In Persian)
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Noel, L. (2009). 2009 student recruitment practices and strategies at four-year and two-year institutions. Higher Ed Benchmarks series. https://www.noellevitz.com/documents/shared/Papers_and_Research/2009/StudentRecruitmentPracticesandStrategies09.pdf
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Rahimnia, F., & Zamanian, F. (2015). Investigating the moderating role of customer experience in the relationship between factors affecting brand performance Fourth International Conference on Accounting and Management and First Conference on Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation, Razi Conference Center. (In Persian)
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Rasooli, R., & Esfandyarpour, I. (2018). Analysis of Effective Factors on the Brand Performance in Food Industry Factories. Iranian Journal of Trade Studies, 22(86), 165-188 (In Persian)
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Ravichandran, K., & Devi, P. N. (2017). Effective brand building. International Journal of Management (IJM), 8(1), 160-167.
Santoso, A., Ratnawati, T., & Bon, A. T. (2019). Analysis of factors influencing students’ decisions to choose universitas Terbuka International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Seturi, M. (2017). Brand awareness and success in the market. Journal of International Scientific Publications, 11, 424-432.
Stephenson, A. L., Heckert, A., & Yerger, D. B. (2016). College choice and the university brand: exploring the consumer decision framework. Higher Education Letter, 71(4), 489-503.
Suleymanov, T. (2019). University branding in Azerbaijan: empirical study of students'choices for education. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings.
Viot, C. (2011). Can brand identity predict brand extensions' success or failure? Journal of Product & Brand Management, 20(3), 216-227.
Vukasovic, T. (2013). Building successful brand by using social networking media. Journal of Media and Communication Studies, 5(6), 56- 63.
_||_Abdurrahman, L., Orhan, A., Funda, U., & Adem, Y. (2018). Factors Affecting University Choice: A Study on University Freshman Students. The Journal of Buca Faculty of Education, 46, 199-216.
Afzal, S. (2013). Factors influencing successful brand extension into related and unrelated product categories. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 3(2), 216. (In Persian)
Alavi, S. M., & Khodadadeh, S. (2016). Customer identification of the sports brand and its effects on the successful development of the brand by playing the role of love for the brand and commitment and loyalty to it. Sports Management Studies, 40, 187-208. (In Persian)
Azizi, S., & Asnaashari, M. (2013). Internal branding and brand performance: the moderator role of workplace competitive climate and job satisfaction. Management Research in Iran, 17(3), 1-17 (In Persian)
Azizi, S., Ghareche, M., & Barati, A. (2018). Model of successful branding in the ceramic and tile industry using grounded theory approach. Journal of Business Management perspctive, 9(4), 826-807. (In Persian)
Bock, D. E., Poole, S. M., & Joseph, M. (2014). Does branding impact student recruitment: A critical evaluation. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 24(1), 11-21.
Corona, M. (2018). Designing a successful brand extension from theory to practice. the national geographic case project (Bachelor's thesis, Università Ca'Foscari Venezia).
Dao, M. T. N., & Thorpe, A. (2015). What factors influence Vietnamese students’ choice of university? International Journal of Educational Management.
Dawes, P. L., & Brown, J. (2014). Determinants of awareness, consideration, and choice set size in university choice. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 12(1), 49-75.
Escalada, S. M. (2019). Strategy and management, the foundations of any successful brand. Correspondencias & Análisis, 9, 13-35.
Feiz, D., Kohyari Haghighat, A., & Kohyari Haghighat, K. (2017). The role of quality improvement of services in promoting brand performance in Tehran hospitals. Payavard, 11(1), 53-65. (In Persian)
Feiz, D., Zarei, A., & Ghazvini, H. (2020). Designing a model for measuring the improvement of brand performance with the fuzzy expert system approach Journal of Business Management Perspective, 18(40), 119-139. (In Persian)
Gharibi, H., Dehdashtishahrokh, Z., & Hoseinimehr, M. (2020). The impact of brand image and brand strength on the desire to buy customers from online stores (Case study: Bamilo store). Commercial Surveys, 17(99), 52-76 (In Persian)
Ghodeswar, B. M. (2008). Building brand identity in competitive markets: a conceptual model. Journal of product & brand management 17(1), 4-12.
Haghighi Kafash, M., Hamidi Beinabaj, M., Karimi Alavijeh, M., & Khalil Nezhad, S. (2019). Explaining the pattern and presenting strategic branding challenges in saffron industry. Iranian journal of management sciences, 14(55), 75-106. (In Persian)
Hussain, I., Mu, S., Mohiuddin, M., Danish, R. Q., & Sair, S. A. (2020). Effects of sustainable brand equity and marketing innovation on market performance in hospitality industry: mediating effects of sustainable competitive advantage Sustainability, 12(7), 29-39.
Ilgan, A., Ataman, O., Uğurlu, F., & Yurdunkulu, A. (2018). Factors affecting university choice: A study on university freshman students. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 46, 199-216.
Iyer, P., Davari, A., & Paswan, A. (2018). Determinants of brand performance: the role of internal branding. Journal of brand Management, 25(3), 202-216.
Joseph, M., Mullen, E. W., & Spake, D. (2012). University branding: understanding students’ choice of an educational institution. Journal of brand Management, 20(1), 1-12.
Joseph, M., Roche, S., Bock, D. E., & Albrecht, C. M. (2014). Graduate college selection and its impact on branding: a German perspective Journal of Academic Administration in Higher Education 10(2), 9-17.
Judson, K. M., Aurand, T. W., Gorchels, L., & Gordon, G. L. (2008). Building a university brand from within: University administrators' perspectives of internal branding. Services Marketing Quarterly, 30(1), 54-68.
Kerin, R. (2008). Marketing: The Core (3 ed.). Institutional Brand and Parental Influence on College Choice: A Noel-Levitz Benchmark Psychographic Study.
Kohyari Haghighat, A., Kohyari Haghighat, K., & Mohammadi Hoseini, S. A. (2019). Marketing innovation and brand performance of superior pharmaceutical companies in 2017: a descriptive study. JRUMS 18(9), 909-920. (In Persian)
Kushwaha, T. (2012). Brand extension: a strategy for competitive advantage Samvad, 5, 18-27.
Mashhadi Ramazan, S., & Yazdani, N. (2019). The impact of brand-oriented strategy on brand performance with emphasis on brand identity intervention. Journal of Strategic Management Studies, 10(38), 99-121. (In Persian)
Mirzaie, H., Musavi, S., & Salehi Omran, E. (2020). Identifying entrepreneurial university indices and providing a model for public universities. Iranian Journal of Management in The Islamic University, 9(1), 165-184. (In Persian)
Mozaffari, M. M., & Jafar Gholi, D. (2017). Investigating brand management with a resilient economics approach The Second International Conference on Management Cohesion and Economy in Iran Development, Tehran. (In Persian)
Mustafa, S. A. A., Sellami, A. L., Elmaghraby, E. A. A., & Al-Qassass, H. B. (2018). Determinants of college and university choice for high-school students in Qatar.
Naatu, F. (2016). Brand building for competitive advantage in the Ghanaian jewelry industry. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(3), 551-558.
Nasiri Miyanai, K., Salehi Omran, I., & Abedini Beltrak, M. (2019). Identifying the factors affecting the choice of technical and vocational students from the perspective of stakeholders. Journal of Skills Training, 7(28), 35-50. (In Persian)
Nazari, R., & Ghavami, F. (2017). The effect of brand credit on brand alliance strategies in order to brand Strategic promotion: case study sepahan’s sport club. Applied Research in Sport Management, 6(1), 73-83. (In Persian)
Noel, L. (2009). 2009 student recruitment practices and strategies at four-year and two-year institutions. Higher Ed Benchmarks series. https://www.noellevitz.com/documents/shared/Papers_and_Research/2009/StudentRecruitmentPracticesandStrategies09.pdf
Proboyo, A., & Soedarsono, R. (2015). Influential factors in choosing higher education institution: A case study of a private university in Surabaya. Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran, 9(1), 1-7.
Rahimnia, F., & Zamanian, F. (2015). Investigating the moderating role of customer experience in the relationship between factors affecting brand performance Fourth International Conference on Accounting and Management and First Conference on Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation, Razi Conference Center. (In Persian)
Rashidi, H., & Rahmani, Z. (2013). Brand and its impact on customer loyalty. Economic Journal, 13(9-10), 65-80. (In Persian)
Rasooli, R., & Esfandyarpour, I. (2018). Analysis of Effective Factors on the Brand Performance in Food Industry Factories. Iranian Journal of Trade Studies, 22(86), 165-188 (In Persian)
Rastgar, A., & Amini Khiabani, G. (2019). Achievement based on brand performance and market control; investigating the mediating role of brand management capability. New Marketing Research Journal, 9(2), 219-236. (In Persian)
Ravichandran, K., & Devi, P. N. (2017). Effective brand building. International Journal of Management (IJM), 8(1), 160-167.
Santoso, A., Ratnawati, T., & Bon, A. T. (2019). Analysis of factors influencing students’ decisions to choose universitas Terbuka International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Seturi, M. (2017). Brand awareness and success in the market. Journal of International Scientific Publications, 11, 424-432.
Stephenson, A. L., Heckert, A., & Yerger, D. B. (2016). College choice and the university brand: exploring the consumer decision framework. Higher Education Letter, 71(4), 489-503.
Suleymanov, T. (2019). University branding in Azerbaijan: empirical study of students'choices for education. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings.
Viot, C. (2011). Can brand identity predict brand extensions' success or failure? Journal of Product & Brand Management, 20(3), 216-227.
Vukasovic, T. (2013). Building successful brand by using social networking media. Journal of Media and Communication Studies, 5(6), 56- 63.