The effect of menopause on woman rights and responsibilities
Subject Areas : فصلنامه مطالعات میان رشته ای فقه
Nafiseh Karimi yazdi
Ebrahim Yaghouti
Mohammed javad Javid
1 - Jurisprudence and basic, university of Central Tehran Azad, Tehran, Iran
2 - University central Tehran azad,-tehran_iran
3 - University of tehran low, tehran,iran
Keywords: ", Women', Physical condition, s rights ", menopause ", Responsibility",
Abstract :
Background and Aim:Women's rights is one of the main issues that has been focused by jurists and lawyers. From a legal point of view, considering women's natural rights is the initial step to realize their rights. This main point can be achieved just by adverting some particular circumstances that they may experience via their lives.studying jurisprudence areas is not sufficient for legislation, so to find a better understanding of legislation, this situation should also be examined from the perspective of psychology and medicine context. One of the big gaps in women's rights is neglecting women's rights during menopause, childbirth and especially her monthly discomforts.In all contemporary legal systems focusing on the rights and responsibilities of women during menstruation -as one of their natural rights- is a necessary basis for the development of laws and citizenship rights.Materials and Methods: This research is of theoretical type and the research method is descriptive-analytical and the method of data collection is library and has been done by referring to documents, books and articles.Ethical Considerations: In order to organize this research, while observing the authenticity of the texts, honesty and fidelity have been observed.Conclusion:Therefore the current research,relying on medical, psychological, legal and jurisprudential evidence and applying descriptive analytical methods In the menopause, in the position of proving or rejecting the hypothesis by reviewing jurisprudence,medicine and psychology we came to the conclusion that our law neither supports this state of women nor passed any laws or protective measures. Keywords: physical condition, women's rights, responsibility, menopause.