A comparative study of the laws of Iran, Turkey, the UAE and the international legal system in the field of international judicial cooperation regarding corruption crimes.
Subject Areas : فصلنامه مطالعات میان رشته ای فقهHassan Kohandani 1 , Asal Azemeyan 2 *
1 - Islamic Azad University, Department of Electronics/Iran/Tehran
2 - Faculty Member, Department of Law, Faculty of Humanities, Shahroud Branch, Islamic Azad University(IAU), Shahroud, Iran
Keywords: Merida convention, International judicial cooperation, administrative corruption crimes,
Abstract :
The International Judicial Cooperation Bill, the latest measure of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of international judicial cooperation regarding administrative corruption crimes, seems to have been drafted by the judiciary. Although this bill has many weaknesses and problems, But it shows the serious intention of the Islamic Republic of Iran to enter this field. In the meantime, the United Nations Convention against Corruption, as the main international convention on corruption crimes, has drawn mechanisms for governments for international judicial cooperation. The main question in this research, which has been conducted in a descriptive-analytical way, is what are the differences and similarities between Iran's laws and the international legal system in the field of international judicial cooperation regarding corruption crimes? The result of this research shows that there are important differences in the field of corruption crimes that can be cooperated internationally. The petitioner's authority and jurisdictional conflicts exist between different implementing institutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran with the international legal system.