The Elements of Individual and Social Happiness from Islamic Standpoint and in Social and Psychological Theories
Subject Areas : فصلنامه مطالعات میان رشته ای فقهJavad Atabaki 1 , Maryam tooski 2 * , Farhad Imam Juma 3
1 - PhD student of Economic Sociology and Development,Facualty of Humanities, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University,Arak,Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Department of Sociology, Facualty of Humanities, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University,Arak,Iran (Supervisor and Corresponding Author)
3 - AssociateProfessor of Department of Sociology, Facualty of Humanities, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University,Arak,Iran.( Advisor)
Keywords: happiness, life style, psychology, Islam, Sociology, joyfulness,
Abstract :
Happiness is among human emotions with its diverse aspects and manifestations of individual, social, psychological, physical, and cognitive-emotional. The basic problem with research and policymaking in happiness in its individual and social aspects is that happiness in Iran is based on western theories. Therefore, the present research explored and reviewed the elements of happiness from Islamic culture standpoint and, by comparing them with those in social and psychological theories, it explained its primacy and superiority. In general, in Islamic standpoint, happiness is a factor that leads to soul expansion and openness; but, the touchstone for this soul expansion, unlike what is said in schools of thoughts, is fortification of human relationship and connecting ring with God. Therefore, commendable happiness is differentiated from reprehensible happiness in Islamic teachings. Islam has considered different dimensions in developing happiness including life style, spiritual, emotional, social, and cognitive.