Scope of heresy and its recognition criteria: A comparative study of Qur'anic interpretations and the narration of Sunni and Shiite scholars
Subject Areas : فصلنامه مطالعات میان رشته ای فقهali honarmand 1 , Seyyed Abolghasem Naghibi 2 * , Seyyed Sadegh Mousavi 3
1 - Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science , Science and Research Branch ,Islamic Azad University, Tehran,Iran
2 - Associate Professor Shahid Motahari University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor Shahid Motahari University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: tradition, Shiism, Sunni, Religion, heresy, exclusivists, absolutists,
Abstract :
AbstractOne of the major harms that Islam, like other divine religions, has faced is heresy. Therefore, in verses and hadiths, heresy has been repeatedly and clearly condemned and heretics have been condemned and denigrated. Although Islamic scholars have interpreted heresy as "our entry is not my religion in religion", there is no consensus among them on the criteria of heresy. Most Imami scholars have considered attributing something to religion without the existence of a religious document as heresy, but a group of Sunnis has considered everything that happened after the first three centuries of Islam as heresy. Therefore, the criterion of Shiism in this regard is qualitative and the criterion of Sunnis is quantitative (time). This practice in recognizing the tradition of heresy leads to differences of opinion of Islamic scholars on the scope of heresy and its examples. From the point of view of those who consider the events of the incident after the first three centuries as heresy, the scope of heresy is very wide and wide, but according to the view of a group that uses general evidence, Emerging issues are considered to have a religious document. The scope of heresy is limited. In this article, while explaining the concept of heresy, some of its criteria, arguments, and examples have been read analytically and comparatively.