Resistance Movement in Japanese Cinema and Animation (Case Study: Analysis and Review of the Animation of the Grave of the Fireflies)
Subject Areas : Media ManagementEbrahim Kargaran 1 * , Mohammed Hussain Farajnejad 2
1 - پژوهشگر موسسه شناخت و کارشناس ارشد مدیریت راهبردی فرهنگ، دانشگاه باقرالعلوم، قم، ایران
2 - دکترای حکمت هنر های دینی ، دانشگاه ادیان و مذاهب قم، ایران
Keywords: Resistance, Grave of the Fireflies, Japanese Animation, animation, Anime, Media Typology,
Abstract :
In order to have an accurate and intelligent analysis on every country’s cinema, religious and political typologies and schools of thought recognition is of a great interest. This research aims to recognize active Japanese movements in governance, thought, culture, media and also the animation produced by companies affiliate to the movements. In the research, regarding to the defects on new formalistic methodology and criticism level, a special method called “techno- rational”, which is calassified as one of the qualitative methodologies, has been used to achive a deeper understanding of aesthetics and media and social effects of the animation. Going beyond merely attention to the form, in this method, social, religious, thought and political backgrounds have been studied and also rational effects of animation on human sublimation or decline has been assessed. Finally, some “Resistance Movement” in Japanese animation production has been recognized and introduced and an animation called “Grave of the Fireflies” has been explored a case study on the animation. As a result, we can see Grave of the Fireflies, could be classified as one of the greatest animations in what so called resistance movement. This animation was successful to show American cruelties on Japanese nation in the World War II.
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