Comparative assessment the magnetic properties of barium hexaferrite doped with paramagnetic and diamagnetic cations
Subject Areas :sahebali manafi 1 , مجتبی جعفریان 2 , محسن صالحی 3 *
1 - هیات علمی
2 - محقق
3 - محقق
Keywords: Barium hexaferrite, magnetization, Coercivity, paramagnetic, diamagnetic,
Abstract :
in this study, magnetic powders Ba (Mg, Ti)xFe12-2xO19 and Ba (Zn, Cu)xFe12-2xO19 with x=0.5 using mechanical alloying process a high-energy mill was prepared. Continuing a sample of pure powder and two samples doped powder was produced.In order to evaluate the phase, morphological and magnetic properties by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) was used. X-ray patterns in temperature 1000°C confirming the composition was almost single phase barium hexaferrite. SEM represents a hexagonal plate morphology due to preferential growth of particles in the ab crystallographic directions, respectively. Magnetic studies revealed the presence of diamagnetic ions of zinc and copper in the structure of barium hexaferrite more effective than paramagnetic cations magnesium and titanium saturation magnetization and the coercivity is reduced parameters. high saturation magnetization (53emu/g) of the sample produced composition and the lowest power BaMg0.5Ti0.5Fe11O19 coercivity (50Oe) of the samples were obtained by combining BaZn0.5Cu0.5Fe11O19
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